Chapter 19: I Am Painkiller!

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"Who is Painkiller?", Maya asks.

"I'm not sure!", Nightwing says.

"So you've heard of him?", Maya asks.

"Yes!", Nightwing says.

"How have you heard of him?", Maya says.

"Through you!", Nightwing says.

"Through me?", Maya asks.

"Yes", Nightwing says.

"How did you hear about him through me?", Maya says.

"I mean, you're the only one who has been talking about him all night", Nightwing says, "So the only thing I know about Painkiller is what you've told us".

"You're lying!", Maya says

"That is such a hard accusation!", Nightwing says.

Maya sits back in her chair and snaps her finger. Suddenly a guard comes in and straps him to a machine. Nightwing scrambles to get free.

"What are you doing?", Nightwing asks.

"This is an Electric Lie Detecter Test", Maya says, "If you lie, it will shock you".

"Is the really necessary?", Nightwing asks.

"If you're not hiding anything, it shouldn't be a problem", Maya says, "Now what's your code name?"

"Why?", Nightwing asks.

"Because how do I know you're not Painkiller", Maya says.

"Well for one obvious reason, I'm white!", Nightwing says.

"Meaning he's black", Maya says quickly writing it down.

Nightwing taps his foot agitated. The guard steps forward to talk to Maya.

"Since he gave you a small portion of information, you want me to take him back". the guard asks.

"No are you crazy, we tricked him into talking one time, I'm sure we can do it again", Maya says

Nightwing takes a deep breath.


Back at the hideout, Khalil, Beastboy, and Blackfire run into the sanctum. Perenna turns around quickly.

"What's going on?", Perenna asks.

"A lot, All but us three are trapped in Maya's house", Blackfire says.

"What?", Perenna says, "Why are they trapped?".

"Maya was able to recognize Anissa and Grace and she felt like they were connected to Painkiller, who she indeed is trying to hunt down as vengeance for her father", Beastboy says.

"So how are you all gonna get them out", Perenna asks.

"We're gonna take a page out of Spartacus", Khalil says.

"You mean the "I Am Spartacus" scene", Perenna says.

"Yes, each of us are gonna put on Painkiller Cyber Cloaks, Run in to save them, she won't be able to find the real Painkiller", Blackfire says.

"That's actually genius", Perenna says, "But can I give one piece of advice ".

"Yeah go ahead", Khalil says.

"Instead of three Painkillers, you make everybody on the team Painkiller, that way it will leave her in shock and since she thinks Painkiller is a meta everybody can use their powers to escape without giving up their superhero alter ego". Perenna says.

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