Chapter 7: Leveling Up Continued

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"Ok Grace, you seem to have trouble morphing into different entities quick", Perenna says.

"How do you know that?", Grace asks.

"Tiger!", Perenna yells.

"What?", Grace asks.

"Tiger!", Perenna yells again, "Turn into a tiger!"

Grace slowly morphs into a Tiger.

"Now turn into Cheetah", Perenna says.

Grace morphs into a cheetah.

"Now back to Grace", Perenna says.

The Cheetah squirms trying to morph but is unable. Perenna takes a test tube and drops a blue liquid on top of the Cheetah's head. The Cheetah morphs back in to Grace.

"Sorry, it's just very difficult to morph that quickly", Grace says.

Perenna raises her eyebrows then sits down.

"Grace tell me, What are you thinking when your morphing", Perenna asks.

"I'm thinking, turn into a tiger, turn into a tiger, turn into a tiger", Grace says repeating the phrase.

"Exactly, you shouldn't have to go through all of that when trying to morph", Perenna replies.

"Well then what should I do?", Grace asks.

"Clear your mind, nothing should be in your head but Tiger, and when you morph everything should come back to you", Perenna states.

"Okay", Grace says getting ready to Morph.

Perenna stands up.

"Tiger!", Perenna yells.

Grace quickly morphs into a Tiger.

"Cheetah!, Perenna yells.

Grace quickly morphs into a Cheetah.

"Anissa!", Perenna yells.

Grace quickly morphs into Anissa.


Grace quickly morphs into a Tiger, Cheetah, Anissa then back to herself. She takes a deep breath.

"Wow", Grace says.

"You did it!", Perenna says.

"Thanks, Perenna", Grace says.

"You're welcome, now send in Dionte", Perenna says.

Grace nods and leaves the room. After a few minutes Dionte walks in.

"Hello Dionte", Perenna says.

"Hello", Dionte says akwardly.

"So not long ago, you discovered that your powers could turn nuclear when used together, however you do it externally", Perenna replies.

"Externally?", Dionte asks.

"You combine it outside of your body then throw it once it's nuclear", Perenna states.

"Ok and?", Dionte asks.

"I want to see if you can combine it internally and use it externally", Perenna replies.

"Really", Dionte says, "That would put me higher on the list".

"The meta list?", Perenna asks.

Dionte nods.

"Yeah I've looked over the list and I have a few tweaks to it, I'll let the group know after everyone gets an upgrade", Perenna says.

"Ok, so what do I do?", Dionte asks.

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