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Bucky woke early the next morning, groaning and stretching as he released himself from his deep sleep. Sleep was something he had struggled with for years but whenever he felt tired he would take advantage and roll with it, just so he could get a few moments rest. It was only for a few hours but it made all the difference.

He wandered out of his bedroom and into the living room where Loki, Zemo and Freya were all still dozing. Not wanting to wake the herd just yet, he grabbed a cup of coffee and headed out onto his balcony to watch the sunrise and enjoy the peace and quiet.

He mulled over the events of the last couple of days and tried to process and piece together everything. So far, he knew that Freya wasn't as big of a threat as he had thought but he was still to be wary of her as he hadn't got to know her properly yet. He knew that his suspicions were right about some sort of cult forming to cause chaos but was still in the dark about their plans. One thing he was keen to understand more of was where the missing agents had gone and why.

His thoughts were disrupted when the door slid open revealing Zemo. "Morning" he stretched.

"Morning" Bucky replied. "Sleep okay?" he asked.

"Like a log. The beds in prison are like floor boards, the couch was like a feather haven" he replied, setting himself down on the chair beside Bucky.

"We need to make as much progress with this as possible today. The longer we wait, the further ahead this group is gonna get"

"She seems to be cooperative but I feel there's something more sinister behind this all" Zemo replied.

"Sinister? She's a young girl trying to find her parents, how is that sinister?" Bucky asked intrigued.

"Her parents are missing, her colleagues and friends lied to her about who they really are, and  this group we're all on about seems pretty shady. I just have a feeling" Zemo had seen a lot over the years, even whilst tracking Hydra down. He had seen what they were capable of and how well they can hide themselves. He knew about some of the horrific things they had done, including The Winter Soldier program and he felt like this group sounded familiar.

"I don't know. Maybe you're right" Bucky rubbed his head intently.

"We need to get more answers. Today" Zemo replied, "I know you're not keen on getting harsh and you're against the interrogation idea but we have to move quickly. If this is Hydra they won't wait"

Bucky knew that Zemos point was right but he wanted to remain cautious. He saw what happened with Karli and the distraught surrounding it so he knew they needed to be firm but careful. "Let's go wake them"

The two headed back inside and saw that Loki was awake and reading through the files they had gathered last night. Freya was still completely out of it.

"What's that?" Bucky asked.

"Freya had some intel back at her place so I took us both there last night to retrieve it".

"You what?!" Zemo raised his voice.

"Shh you'll wake her" Loki replied, standing to face Zemo and Bucky.

"I don't give a shit, she could have ran off, she could have hurt you, she could have..." Zemo started but was interrupted by Loki.

"Well she didn't. She's here isn't she? I'm here? What's the problem? She wanted to get her files and some of her belongings. Okay, she wanted to bring back some firearms, but I stopped her" Loki paused.

Bucky's eyebrows raised at the firearms remark but couldn't argue with Loki. Not so much couldn't, but didn't want to. He'd had enough of the bickering. "Alright. Just, tell us next time. What did you find?" Bucky motioned to the files on the coffee table.

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