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After an eventful evening, the following day came, as did the Newcomers Event that Bucky had signed up to help at. This was a session for people who had enquired about the group and a chance for people to drop in and sign up for therapy classes. Bucky was there to help Hayley get more signatures.

Before going inside, Bucky paused and turned back to Loki and Zemo. "Zemo, I want you to come in and join the group" 

He pulled a face indicating his disgust, "I'm not signing up to some wacko group Barnes" he snapped.

Slightly hurt and irritated by the comment, Bucky remained calm, " I mean, I want you to come in for now and blend and help me smoke out Nana and her source".

"Oh, yes I can do that" He replied,

"Loki" Bucky turned to him, 

"Yes I know." He grunted, irritated that he still can't make a dramatic entrance and cause a scene, whilst he was known as the god of mischief, Bucky was very much aware that he was also the god of being an attention seeking pain in the arse. Loki must have heard this thought running through is head as he snarled, flaring his nostrils in the process. 

Bucky wandered inside and helped Hayley set up the welcome event, and Zemo waited behind for people to start piling in so he could blend in.Several people turned up, some looking undisturbed and quite calm, and some nervous which was normal. Bucky stood by Hayley at the door welcoming people in and handing out brochures. Zemo entered and took one from Hayley and nodded to Bucky.

The room had quite a few people in and so Zemo joined and shuffled in closely to blend. In his hand was a cup of fresh coffee which was on offer , along with and array of cakes and pastries to make people feel welcome. 

He noticed a young woman in the corner not really making much eye contact and looking rather nervous. Not wanting to seem like the odd one out, he joined her side to make conversation and continued his blending, he cleared his throat which caught her attention, "I hate this sort of thing" were the only words he could think of, though not true, perhaps a different introduction would have been more appropriate, he thought to himself. 

She chuckled, "I know what you mean. I should have signed up for a one to one session" 

"My names is Chuck" the only name he could think of. He knew it didn't quite fit his thick accent but it'll do for now.

"Ellen. So what brings you to the class?" She asked.

"Just need a place to vent I suppose" He hadn't been to therapy himself since losing his family and going to prison and so he could only guess what they do in these types of events. 

Ellen nodded in response, Zemo continued,

"I lost my family a few years ago and I guess I need the help to process is better" Zemo was surprised at his own admission as it wasn't a subject he was fond of bringing up. He knew he needed to fit in and so he drew upon his own experiences. He went on and explained how he lost his wife and children and how alone and angry he had felt. Before he could finish, Hayley entered the room and motioned for everyone to join and sit in the circle.

"Hi everyone, thank you so much for coming, I know this is challenging for many of you but you have made the next steps in your recovery processes and I applaud you for that" Hayley said, clapping her hands together, "I'm Hayley, the group leader, and I am joined by a group regular who has made great progress since joining, this is Bucky", she motioned to Bucky who blushed slightly as he didn't like the attention drawn to him, he awkwardly waves and smiled and returned his stare to his feet. Hayley continued on for several minutes explaining the group and its purpose. "Now I thought it would be nice to try a little bit of one of our sessions and just go around the group and introduce ourselves, it's okay if you don't want to, we'll move along and circle back." 

Hayley started the introductions which followed by Bucky and a few other members, two of which were recovering alcoholics and substance abusers. Zemo noticed that Ellen was writing a lot down on her brochure when Bucky was speaking, but he shrugged the thought off and assumed nothing. The circle continued and got to Ellen.

"Hi I'm Ellen" she started, slightly nervous and voice shaky, "I'm from Brooklyn" again, Zemo takes note that her accent changed slightly and wasn't as thick as before. He carefully analyses her whilst she spoke. "I'm here because.." she paused for a moment, as if to think of her reasons for her being there, "I lost my family a few years back". At that moment, Zemo's anger was boiling inside. She was citing more or less word for word, what Zemo had just said to her moments ago. He was angry that someone would use his hurt and pain as some cover story. 

Ellen finished talking and the next began. Zemo caught Bucky's eye and motioned subtly to Ellen as if to say 'Watch her'. They both knew Nana was nowhere to be seen but Ellen seemed to be of interest. Perhaps this was the mysterious woman they were after. 

The group began wrapping up and people collected their belongings whilst Hayley offered warm goodbyes and words of encouragement. 

Bucky joined Zemo's side, "What did you find?"

"Ellen. She's lying" he responded, fists clenched hard and teeth gritted. 

"What do you mean?" Bucky looked concerned,

"Her story, it's not hers" He flared. "Her accent is a lie too. I say we follow her"

"Okay , Loki? Did you get that?"

"Copy, do you have a description?" He responded

"Black jeans, trainers, white t shirt and grey sweater, brown hair" He replied. "She's headed out back" 

By now the crowd were leaving and Ellen had blended in as they were departing. Bucky and Zemo followed outside and joined Loki.

"Where are they? What happened?" Loki asked.

Zemo explained what had happened inside which fuelled anger inside Loki. They scanned the crowd and spotted her heading towards the busy street out the front.

"Go, we can't lose her." ordered Bucky.

"Are we sure she's the one we are looking for?" Loki asked whilst briskly walking towards the street.

"Yes. She had no reason for being there, she was taking notes when you were talking too" Zemo turned to Bucky.

"All the more reason to follow her" He panted.

The group reached the end of the street and spot her in a small dispersing crowd. Her head was snapping left and right looking for the best direction to run.

"There!" Zemo shouts.

Ellen's eyes meet the trios. They widen and she runs, as do the others. 

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