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"This way!" Bucky yelled

The trio were now chasing her and this time they were not going to let her get away. They needed answers, and by Odin's beard, they were going to get them.

The streets were lined with tourists and various moving vehicles, honking to break through the standstill line. Fortunately there was heavy traffic allowing the group to weave in between them without getting knocked over by an angry taxi driver or vexed delivery person. 

Bucky took the left foot path, dodging people whilst keeping eyes on her. Loki took the centre of the highway avoiding magic as to not draw further attention to his already gigantic, godly appearance, and Zemo was to their right. Ellen was directly in front of Zemo and he had eyes on her like a hawk.

"I'm close!" he shouted to the others. 

He reached out whilst dodging pedestrians and managed to grab the back of her sweater. Her response sent him flying. Literally. Ellen turned around grabbing Zemo's arm. She twisted it backwards forcing him to his knees on the ground and landed a firm punch to his cheek. With Zemo down, she picked herself back up and re joined her momentum of running. 

She tried to quickly catch her breathe and continued weaving in and out of people in a desperate bid to avoid being caught. 

"Zemo's down, Loki, you're closest" Bucky ordered whilst being interrupted and temporarily stopped by a group of young school children stepping out from their museum tour. "Excuse me, sorry, coming through" he said calmly but irritated that he had been stopped by the sea of students.

Loki could see Ellen crossing over from his right into the centre of the road leading up to a cross junction. He smirked to himself at the thought that he was going to be the one to capture her. And without magic too. He knew he couldn't conjure up his daggers or use his powers as this would draw in unwanted attention and cause potential harm to civilians. This is something he definitely did not want.

Ellen glance over her shoulder and saw Loki closing in. She abruptly stopped and turned  to face him, so he followed suit and stood still a few feet in front.

"Come on now darling let's not make this difficult" he taunted.

She smirked and changed her stance to self defence to which Loki chuckled and advanced towards her trying to pin her down. She put up a bloody good fight. Loki was much stronger than Zemo and he struggled  to keep up with her fast dodging. He ducked and rotated to grab her arm, but was met with a mighty blow to his face causing him to stumble back in shock. She leapt forward and used her right boot to slam into his stomach, pushing him backwards into a nearby tourist bus.

With Loki winded and now on the floor doubled over, Ellen took her chance and continued running. 

Bucky was now free from the intertwined children and followed her. 

She was quietly confident that if she could shake off the other two, she could do the same to Bucky. The streets started thinning out of pedestrians and vehicles and the dark, less populated alleyways were fast approaching. If she was to lose them, now was her chance.

"I'm close, she's turning towards a derelict dead end I think I can pin her in" Bucky shouted.

With that, Ellen did as Bucky predicted and she found herself now running down an alley with little means of escape. In front of her stood a 20ft high chain link fence with thick, spiked, barbed wire entwined at the top. 

She looked back to see Bucky had yet to catch up with her which gave her some time to start climbing. Whilst she knew this was stupid, she didn't have another option at this point and being caught was not one of them.

Ellen clawed her hands around the mesh and gripped her toes in her boots and began climbing. She was already out of breathe from running but she was desperate. 

Bucky reached the alley and saw her climbing, "Guys go around the other side, we can box her in" he communicated. The two responded in agreement and a few moments later were standing on the other side of the chain link fence. She was trapped.

"You're going to hurt yourself, climb down" Bucky ordered. She ignored him and continued climbing. "Look we're not going to hurt you" 

"Speak for yourself Barnes, she wasn't so quick to punch  you with a feather in the face" Zemo grunted staring at Bucky through his bruised face. 

"I agree. There's no civillians, let me try" Loki retorted.

"I said no!" Bucky was getting impatient, "You're making this harder on yourself, you know that right?" He shouted upwards. Ellen looked down at him wide eyed, he could see her fear with ease as he too had shared that same look from his years of torture. He shuddered. 

"Leave me alone" She cried.

"Is this you talking or Ellen from Brooklyn? Cuz it sure doesn't sound like a Brooklyn accent you have there" Bucky commented on her thick British accent. 

She ignored him and reached the top of the fence. To balance herself she swung her leg over, carefully avoiding the wired but snagged her arm causing her to hiss in pain. "Agh!" she shouted.

"This is ridiculous" Loki said shaking his head and crossing his arms.

"I'm ending this" Zemo grumbled and shook the fence violently.

"Stop!" Bucky shouted, trying to grab the wobbling fence,

Zemo continued to push the fence which Ellen was clinging on to for dear life. She mistakedly grabbed the barbed wire which peirced her hand causing her to let go. She toppled, falling towards Zemo and Loki's side of the fence. Her leg swung over the barbed wire but not without digging deeply into her left thigh, dragging a cut all the way down to a calf. She screamed in pain.

She waited for a thud from the ground but instead was met with strong arms which wrapped around her tightly. Loki had caught her.

She tried to wriggle free and began screaming for help. Loki held on to her and pinned her arms to her side with one arm whilst covering her mouth with his other hand.

"Shh, stop it! You're fine!" Loki tried to sooth the panicking girl he held in his arms. He had a sudden urge of feeling very protective over her, one which he had not felt for a long time. Shaking this thought off and bringing himself back to the task at hand, he looked towards Zemo who was fumbling around helping Bucky over the fence.

Bucky pulled out a small spray can from his jacket, nodded to Loki to move his hand and mind his own face, and sprayed Ellen in the face.

"I'm sorry, just calm down , it's fine" Bucky reassured her. 

Slowly Ellens eyes started to feel very heavy and spray took affect, knocking her out cold. She fell limp in Loki's arms who were also now covered in her blood.

"Let's get her back to the apartment" Loki said, scooping her up in his arms as he stood.

"No, we'll go somewhere else" Bucky motioned for the two to follow, and they set out to a different location. 

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