Cat and Mouse

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Throughout the night Bucky turned more times in his bed than his stomach was flipping over at the thought of what was ahead. He had just dealt with the Flag Smashers and his mind was toying with the idea of leaving this new group be and running off to live a calm and simple life. 

However, at the forefront of his mind, despite it aching from the overthinking, was his moral compass pointing to the right path. That path being the one leading to the new army. 

At this point he still wasn't sure who they were or what they were up to, but he knew that the missing SHIELD and HYDRA agents had to be linked somehow. It wasn't a coincidence that he had found the list, it wasn't by chance that Nana joined his support group and drew his attention, and it wasn't luck that landed Loki into this particular time line. It had to mean something. 

And that something was one to be discovered. 

The sun began peering over the horizon across the city, painting the sky an array of purple and orange hues. Bucky glanced over to his two couches where Zemo and Loki lay unconscious in a deep sleep.  He sighed and quietly creeped to his coffee pot, poured himself a warm brew and tiptoed out to his balcony.

This quaint yet perfectly placed outdoor space was great for him to sit and ponder his deepest thoughts. It was calm and peaceful, even with the bustle of the New York stampede of its people down below. 

He thought to himself how he would approach Nana and this yet to be discovered woman, and how he didn't want a repeat of what happened to young Karli from The Flag Smashers group. He shuddered at the thought. He could see how angry Loki and Zemo were and how riled up they were to capture her, and so he knew he would need to be the level headed one during this mission. He had relied greatly on Sam to keep him grounded, even though he wound him up tighter than a spring ready to burst. 

The glass door slid open, revealing Loki to join him with his own steaming cup of coffee. 

"May I?" he asked, motioning to the vacant chair. Bucky nodded in response.

"You seem troubled" Loki commented.

"No, just....thinking" 

"Well, if I may propose, I suggest we approach this situation firmly. I understand you have your worries of a repeat of Karli, however.."

Bucky interrupted him, "Stop reading my thoughts Loki!" He grumbled.

Loki held his hand out in surrender, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry, it just happens sometimes. What I meant was that we can't be too soft on this situation Barnes. There is clearly something big happening here and we can't afford to let them slip under our noses" Loki was just as keen to get to the core of this problem. He felt lost and confused and angry, and so he needed this distraction. 

"I know"

Silence fell quicker than a ton of bricks. The door slid once more behind them, where Zemo stood, his hair unkept and eyes heavy.

"The god has a point" Zemo said through his morning yawn and stretch. "However I do believe firm is an understatement to what is needed. I'd say forceful is a better approach"

"That isn't all that different to what I just said" Loki protested. 

"If I agree to this approach can you two promise me something" Bucky butted in.

The two responded, nodding.

"Number one, you both agree to stop bickering like kids, and the second thing, you don't bring any harm to her unless you absolutely have to ? Understood?"

WHEN THREE COLLIDE / A Marvel StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant