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With Jimin on the countertop of the sink, Jungkook pressed himself against Jimin who pulled Jungkook closer. Their lips were roughly against each other- until there was a knock on his door. "Door," Jimin mumbled between kisses and that made Jungkook pull away. "Shit." He breathed out and quickly fixed himself up before stepping out of the bathroom and opening the door within just seconds. "Have you seen Sungjae recently? Like... two hours ago?" Namjoon spoke up once the door opened. "What?" Jungkook questioned while buttoning up his shirt.

"Sungjae, have you seen Sungjae." Namjoon repeated. "No. No, I haven't seen him... why?!" Jungkook asked since Namjoon looked pissed but also worried as he quickly walked off once hearing Jungkook. "Wait- Namjoon! Why are you looking for him?" Jungkook walked out of the hotel room to follow Namjoon. "Because he touched Taehyung! That fucking-" Namjoon couldn't be heard anymore since he was mumbling curse words. "Touched??! What?! Where? Where is Taehyung?!" Jungkook grabbed Namjoon's shoulder and spun him so Namjoon was facing him.

"He's in the room-" Namjoon informed Jungkook who left Namjoon once he heard where Taehyung was. Not caring about the other questions he asked. "Tae! Tae open up!" Jungkook knocked on the door repeatedly until the door was opening. Standing there, Jungkook looked at Taehyung who had a sheet wrapped around him while his eyes were puffy and red from him crying. "... What are you do-doing here?" Taehyung asked with a sniffle although he was quick to play that off by clearing his throat and looking down so the mark on his neck wasn't visible.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?!" Jungkook stepped inside and got Taehyung to look at him. Once Taehyung was looking at Jungkook, Jungkook saw the mark around his neck. "I just wan-wanted to talk to him and he-" Taheyung started to cry again as he stepped away from Jungkook but Jungkook stopped Taehyung from walking away and instead brought him into a hug. "H-He got mad- so mad and he just... I- I'm scared." Taehyung hiccuped as he tried to stop crying since that's all he's been doing since Sungjae left.

It took an hour for it to sink in that Sungjae choked him and left a mark. Then Taehyung kept seeing his angry face in front of him. Not even sorry about what he did. "I'm going to fucking kill that motherfucker-" Jungkook said as he was just about to walk out of the hotel room but Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist and shook his head. Almost like he was about to have a panic attack. "Don't! Pl-Plea-Please I'm- I'm sc-scared he'll come back and I- I don't know what I-" Taehyung was breathing in with every word.

Nodding, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung again and brought him in for a hug that he didn't plan on leaving. "Shh, it's okay. I'll stay with you okay? I won't let him hurt you, you're okay." Jungkook held Taehyung tightly. His chin resting on Taehyung's head as he then rubbed his back. "I'm right here Tae, shhh, breathe in and out slowly." Jungkook brought Taehyung back to the bed and helped him out with his breathing. Never in his life had he seen Taehyung so... scared.

It boiled Jungkook's blood that Taehyung had to go through what he did. Not sure of the whole story but he didn't deserve to have a hand mark around his neck. A bruise on his neck from Sungjae choking him... and he was just down the hall when it happened right? He must have been but he didn't hear anything at all. Didn't even cross his mind that the two were here. "Shhh.." Jungkook brushed back Taehyung's hair as he then moved onto the bed with Taehyung who turned onto his side.

Jungkook moved to the other side and faced Taehyung. "M-My eyes hu-hurt." Taehyung spoke with a hoarse voice. Taehyung had been trying to avoid this feeling since it wasn't a new thing. When he cried for too long his eyes would start to hurt to the point he couldn't even keep them open, like right now. "You need to rest." Jungkook spoke softly to Taehyung who sniffled and nodded. As Taehyung tried to sleep it off he kept sniffling on and off. Almost like he wanted to cry again but the moment Taehyung felt Jungkook's hand on his cheek, he felt at ease.

Hearing the sniffles made Jungkook frown and so he took matters into his own hands as he carressed Taehyung's cheek slowly and softly. Now Jungkook wasn't sure if this was going to work but it felt comforting to do. Seemed to work though because a few minutes later Taehyung was no longer sniffling as his lips parted since he was in a deep sleep. After being sure that Taehyung was out, Jungkook slowly removed his hand and took a moment to just... watch Taehyung. As creepy as it sounds- it was just for a few more seconds.

Laying beside Taehyung, Jungkook couldn't help but want to lay there for hours. Well, what was stopping him? literally nothing but they weren't like that anymore. Jungkook wasn't sure if that would be comfortable for Taehyung or if Taehyung would even want that. For godsakes the male was just choked by his so called boyfriend. The thought boiled his blood and he just- biting his lip, Jungkook pushed himself up to get off the bed but what stopped him?

... Taehyung had a light grip on Jungkook's shirt. If Jungkook moved just a little more the grip would no longer be there but... he didn't want to leave Taehyung now that he saw Taehyung was holding onto him so he slowly laid back down and got comfortable. Besides, Namjoon was out looking for Sungjae and it Namjoon couldn't find him, Sungjae would eventually come around right?

Grabbing out his phone, Jungkook was calling Namjoon on his whereabouts since Namjoon left right when Jungkook found out and left to see Taehyung. "Namjoon? Hey, Its Jungkook." Jungkook whispered quietly, "Jungkook? How'd you get my number? and why are you whispering?" Namjoon asked but Jungkook scoffed at that. "Not important. Did you find Sungjae?" Jungkook continued with his whispers so he wouldn't wake Taehyung. "Dude knows how to hide. I've had no luck in finding him." Namjoon informed Jungkook who sighed and nodded. "Okay well just text me when you find-"

Just as Jungkook was about to finish up, he felt Taehyung move closer to him which made him still in his spot. Not bothering to finish his sentence, Jungkook hung up and put his phone away while he slid down to lay down completely. Facing Taehyung, Jungkook caressed Taehyung's cheek once again. Sudden memories of laying with Taehyung in Taehyung's room came to mind. How everything was so simple but yet so complicated at the same time.

Gulping, Jungkook moved closer and had Taehyung's head against his chest. Slowly and carefully, Jungkook wrapped his arm around Taehyung. It was for comfort really. Taehyung always loved when Jungkook held him, as Taehyung told Jungkook three years ago but he still hoped Taehyung loved being held by him because holding Taehyung in that very moment made all his problems disappear, just like before.

So with that Jungkook closed his eyes and decided he would simply just rest his eyes but before he knew it, he was also asleep. It's been such a long while since they both fell asleep on the same bed. Yet it was possibly the longest they both slept because when Taehyung woke up it was very dark out and the room would've been pitch black dark if the lamp from across the room wasn't on. What he failed to notice right away though was that he was in someone's arms.

Which was stupid right? how could he not notice the person holding him right away but the dark confused the hell out of Taehyung because when he was awake it was bright and lively. "Hey.." Taehyung heard the deep soothing voice as his hair was then pushed aside. ".. You're still here." Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a mean look. Not intentionally meaning he was mad but because his eyes still hurt and he was confused so, it took a minute.

Jungkook breathed in and nodded. "I told you I would stay." He whispered to Taehyung. The boy stared at Jungkook for a long while without saying any words but instead he shut his eyes and moved closer to Jungkook. "You okay?" Jungkook asked but he didn't get a response until way later. "This is the first time I ever woke up beside you." Taehyung spoke up but stayed close to Jungkook who was confused by that.

"... Every time you slept over you'd be gone before I woke up. This time you stayed... and seeing you when I woke up made me happy." Taehyung mumbled his words. "... I want to stay like this for a little while longer." Taehyung sniffed while hugging Jungkook tighter. It took a moment to realize what Taehyung meant but when he figured it out, it warmed Jungkook's heart. It was true. Every morning he would be gone before Taehyung woke up and now.. "Yeah... yeah okay let's stay like this." Jungkook placed the palm of his hand behind Taehyung's head and massaged his scalp lightly.

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