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After that day Taehyung liked to give Jungkook more attention? Like whenever Jungkook was around, Taehyung would like to try to make Jungkook happy. A simple smile or laugh made Taehyung feel accomplished but then again Jungkook smiled anytime Taehyung saw him so it was more of Taehyung trying to make Jungkook laugh even if he only saw Jungkook for a few seconds throughout the day. Ever since that day of Jungkook saying that his parents didn't consider him family, Taehyung just couldn't help but feel bad for Jungkook and so he figured maybe he could brighten Jungkook's day whenever Jia was out with her parents.

Which was a lot now. Since Jia was out of school and out of her toxic relationship, she's been going anywhere and everywhere with her parents in which Taehyung loved for Jia since from the very moment he knew Jia, she was not a family person but she was slowly beginning to love hanging out with her parents but since she was doing that, Taehyung was alone along with Jungkook so he figured if they're going to be alone, why not be alone together right? So whenever Jia was out with her parents, Taehyung would go 'wait' for her but while waiting for her, he'd be visiting Jungkook.

Like a few days before now, Taehyung came over and Jungkook was busy cleaning so Taehyung decided to help him out. Jungkook didn't want the help but did Taehyung listen? of course not and it was a good thing. At least Taehyung thought so. They even fought over who had to clean the bathroom in which Taehyung and Jungkook had to play rock paper scissors and who lost? Taehyung but Jungkook ended up helping Taehyung anyway. A day after that too Taehyung and Jungkook ended up baking a cake just because Jungkook had the munchies but was broke.

Taehyung offered to get them some snacks too but as they walked out the door, Taehyung checked his wallet and he didn't even have enough for a drink so they walked back inside and made a cake. Did they laugh about it? Absolutely and Taehyung was teased the whole time. Even after Jia came home, Jungkook would pop into her room just to tease Taehyung or to simply hang out with the two in which Jia would have to kick out Jungkook every now and then.

Today though Jungkook had planned out what to do with Taehyung since he knew what Taehyung was going to do. It was quite obvious now that Taehyung would come over when Jia was gone and so Jungkook took out his console and got his game ready and waited for Taehyung. Was it weird? That he was loving the time he spent with his little sister's best friend? To Jungkook it didn't feel weird and that was probably because he turned their duo into a trio once he came back. It's not that he planned to do so, he just wanted to spend time with Jia.

Though in order to hang out with Jia, Taehyung had to be there and it wasn't a bad thing. Jungkook grew to like Taehyung the moment they first talked or well, Jungkook talked and Taehyung was a mess. Hearing a knock at his door, Jungkook turned his head and watched the door be pushed open by Taehyung. "I learned to knock. Proud? You should be." Taehyung shut the door and went plop onto Jungkook's bed with a chuckle. Jungkook smiling as he bit his bottom lip and grabbed a controller. "Here."

Giving the controller to Taehyung, Jungkook grabbed his own and turned on the console but Taehyung was a bit confused on why he suddenly had a controller in his hands. "Wait... are we playing game?" Taehyung asked and it was very clear that they were. "Mm, yeah. Problem?" Jungkook turned to Taehyung who shook his head but nodded soon after, "I don't know how to play any shooting games. The best I can do is pubg and minecraft." Taehyung looked down and sighed dramatically since those were the only two games he could play.

With a breathy chuckle, Jungkook clicked his tongue and opened up the minecraft application. "No big deal. Minecraft it is." Jungkook leaned back on his little beanbag and Taehyung smiled widely as he got comfortable on the bed. "Start with the chest!" Taehyung stopped Jungkook from making the world once he noticed the chest wasn't in the options. "I need that map. If not then I'll get lost in a matter of seconds." Taehyung told Jungkook who looked at Taehyung for a few seconds before he looked away and smiled while shaking his head.

Didn't say anything but he did add the starting chest as he then created the world. Taehyung quick to grab the map along with the weapon as he then left everything else to Jungkook. "Wait clumsy, take the leather boots." Jungkook jumped over to Taehyung in his cool character but Taehyung was steve and so Jungkook laughed once Taehyung turned his character to Jungkook's character. "It'll help you look... better." Jungkook gave Taehyung the boots.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Jungkook. I may look... blocky and basic but steve is working hard." Taehyung said while running and jumping towards the trees he started to cut down. Jungkook being the one having to make the tools and everything since Taehyung didn't want to be bothered by crafting things. Overall though they played without any other thoughts. Sharing materials and all and before they knew it, they finished making their house and Taehyung was placing his bed in a room he made for himself in the little house they shared.

"Hey." Jungkook walked over to Taehyung who hummed. "Why are you sleeping in here." Jungkook stopped to look at Taehyung who shrugged. "Well... I didn't build it for nothing." Taehyung ran out to go grab something to decorate the inside but when he went back to the room his bed was gone and Jungkook was 'jumping' on his Minecraft bed. "Jungkook, give me my bed," Taehyung said while leaving the little room he made. "What bed?" Jungkook acted like he didn't know. "The bed your character swallowed, give it." Taehyung hit Jungkook's character.

"Okay bully, chill." Jungkook gave Taehyung back his bed expecting Taehyung to place the bed down next to his but Taehyung ran back to the room and placed his bed down only for Jungkook to follow, hit Taehyung twice, take his bed and run back to where Jungkook had his own bed. "Right here." Jungkook placed Taehyung's bed next to his and at first Taehyung didn't get what Jungkook was trying to do until he put his bed next to Jungkook's. "You're such a dork." Taehyung laughed as he fell back onto the bed. Jungkook was such a cute dork, it killed Taehyung.

Jungkook smiled widely at Taehyung's reaction as he then put his character to bed. Turning to Taehyung, tapping his thigh to get his attention. "Sleep, it's dark." Jungkook took that little break to stretch after getting Taehyung's attention. The boy getting his character to sleep and within a few seconds, they were up. ".. We slept together," Jungkook said but they both laughed. "Shut the fuck up Jungkook." Taehyung pushed Jungkook and they were both just so content about everything they failed to realize the time and as they were laughing, Jia peeked in and found the two glued to the tv that had Minecraft on it.

"Let's go mining. I want diamonds." Taehyung said and Jungkook agreed as he followed Taehyung. The two in their own world as Jia watched. Since Jungkook looked pretty happy, he let the two have their fun as she shut the door slowly and went over to her own room. It was nice knowing Taehyung was able to bond with Jungkook and it was relieving that Jungkook still wasn't gone and was bonding with not only Taehyung but her too. Though... Taehyung was spending a lot of time with Jungkook wasn't he?

She didn't mind one bit but it was questionable. Not that she suspected anything either it was just weird to have Taehyung over at her house without actually being there for her? She knew she wouldn't have to get used to it considering Jungkook would be gone soon but she hopes that Taehyung knows that Jungkook won't be here long, as sad as it is. Eventually, her parents will say something and Jungkook will leave, she just knows it and that's why she doesn't want to get too close to Jungkook knowing he'll leave again. "Hey! Sorry, I was busy playing Minecraft with your dumb brother." Taehyung scoffed and shut the door.

Breaking out of her thoughts, Jia cleared her throat and chuckled at Taehyung's words. "You were having fun though, weren't you? I checked on you two." She mentioned and Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, but he kept stealing my bed. That thief." Taehyung took out his phone and fell back onto the bed as Jia then rolled over to Taehyung who gasped and put his phone under the pillow once he saw a certain message. "... What? Wait- why did you gasp?" Jia grabbed Taehyung's phone and looked through the notifications to which she found Sungjae's message.

"He wants to meet up and talk..." Jia said out loud before she looked at Taehyung with widened eyes. "Okay! No, don't freak! This is... good? I think?! Is it?!" Jia started to freak out with Taehyung who shrugged as he then started to bite his nails but Jia grabbed his fingers away from his mouth. "No, don't do that." She held Taehyung's hand just so he wouldn't bite his nails. Was this good? Well... he felt excited but at the same time he felt so fucking afraid for what this talk was going to be about. "Oh jeez." Taehyung pulled the pillow to his face and groaned.

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