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Jungkook stepped into the empty hotel room with his six-pack of beers. That whole day Jungkook spent his day at the bar. Not drinking or anything but the quiet building gave him time to think which was weird. Bars are never quiet but the bar he went to was. He just sat there looking at the shot he ordered when he first got there. Didn't drink or even touch the glass but he did stare at it for a long while. Debating if he should drink or not. That's all he ever did when he was alone, drink. Shot after shot until eventually, he felt happy again.

Life is weird. Jungkook's not necessarily sad but he isn't happy either. These days Jungkook just wakes up and gets through the day because he has to. He never has any motivation but when he's with Seokjin or just anyone in general he can joke and laugh but when he's alone he doesn't know what to feel or think. That is why alcohol works for him when he's alone. Dropping onto his bed, Jungkook sighed and rolled onto his back so he was looking at the ceiling.

Today though... today was different. Jungkook found out he has a nephew. His little sister gave birth and did something he never thought she could do... or well, something he never thought he'd see. Knowing that little boy was a part of his family made him feel happiness? Something he hasn't felt in a long time. Just being around Jungwon cheered him up. Then again... Taehyung was also there. They may have not walked by each other or talked long enough but having Jia, Taehyung, and Jungwon with him? He wished he could stay in that moment forever.

At last, he was alone in this hotel room. Huffing as he seated himself up, Jungkook looked at the six-pack before he grabbed the cans and broke one off. Cracking open the can, Jungkook took a sip and kicked off his shoes after so. "Cheers." Jungkook talked to himself before taking another huge gulp. After downing the drink, Jungkook hissed and let his head fall back onto the headboard. So what now? That's all he's been thinking and saying since he got here. What now?

Now that he has his drinks, what now? Drink until he can't feel? That was the plan but... after that? What then? Repeat the same day again? That was tiring enough. So he put his mind someplace else and what was that? America. Jungkook already missed the meeting because he met up with Jia but he didn't regret going off with Jia. He did regret not asking to reschedule though because now he was stuck here, or he assumed he would be stuck here. America sounded great for a new getaway but at the same time, he was so sick of running.

Yet that was the best thing he was good at... running away. Sighing, Jungkook swished the alcohol around in the can as he then chugged the beer and crushed it a bit as he put it aside and grabbed a new can. Though just before he could open the can, he heard the door unlock and Seokjin's voice as he walked in with none other than Min Yoongi... and Park Jimin. "I knew you'd be here." Seokjin put the card down for their room and took off his jacket. "Heard you missed the meeting so Yoongi came in for you. Brought a little friend too." Jin gave a certain look to Jungkook who breathed in and nodded.

Standing up, Jungkook looked at Yoongi. "This is the second time you blew off the meeting Jungkook. How much time do you need to think this over?" Yoongi asked as he took a seat. "I know, I'm sorry. I was about to go in but.. I saw my sister and I just couldn't find myself leaving her to go into a meeting. A very important meeting I know but... she's my sister." Jungkook explained to Yoongi who looked at Seokjin. "... That's fair." Yoongi nodded slowly.

Breathing in, "I can work some things out but only if you're agreeing to come with me. Because once I get this meeting up and going, it's expected of you to want to come to America. So the meeting would be mostly paperwork and just the plan I guess." Yoongi explained to Jungkook who took a seat and slowly nodded his head. Suddenly he was in his thoughts. Fighting back and forth. What about Jia? And Jungwon?... but what about himself? "Jungkook," Yoongi repeated.

"I'll go with you." Jungkook grabbed his can and gulped before he took a shot. "Wait, really?" Seokjin's eyes widened once hearing Jungkook. "I didn't actually think you'd agree." Seokjin scoffed. "Why not? It's a great opportunity." Jungkook looked at Seokjin who nodded at that, agreeing. "Yeah but... I mean... there are still things you need to figure out here, don't you? I mean... Jia... Taehyung perhaps?" The sudden mention of Taehyung made Jungkook look up.

"I can figure out something with Jia but for Taehyung?... I lost him the moment I left Seoul. He's happy now so I'd like to be happy too." Jungkook looked at his can and before he could drink to that, Jimin spoke up. "Cheers to that. Everyone deserves happiness right?" Jimin plopped himself on the bed as he then grabbed Jungkook's six-pack. "You mind?" Jimin asked while holding one can. Jungkook watched and shook his head, "Go for it." He answered with a little smile before taking a shot from his can. Jimin cracking open his can as he then looked at Yoongi and Seokjin. "This sounds like a celebration. You two should get some drinks."

Jimin tossed over his card and Yoongi caught it. Looking at  Jimin's card, Yoongi scoffed. "Someone feeling rich?" He asked and Jimin nodded. "I am, so go before I change my mind." And just like that Yoongi was on his feet and heading out with Seokjin following right after. Once the door closed, Jimin looked at Jungkook. "Same old same old huh." So... Park Jimin. Jungkook met the male when he started hanging out with Yoongi. Jimin and Yoongi are good friends so that's how their friendship bloomed but that was not the only thing that bloomed.

Jungkook's not sure what to call it actually. They made out a lot and that was about it. This one time they just about made it all the way but Jungkook came to his senses and he just... Taehyung slipped from his mouth when Jimin went down on him and since then? He hasn't seen Jimin because for one, he was embarrassed and two... he literally called Jimin another man's name so no way he was going to face Jimin... which was actually perfect because he left to Seoul that next week but now Jimin was in his room... with him.... alone.

Jimin wasn't a bad person either. They both just needed someone to fill that void and they both used each other really. Sad? Yes, but it worked for them. "It's only been two weeks. I wouldn't automatically change." Jungkook scoffed while looking at Jimin. "Fair. But drinking? without me? I'm hurt." Jimin looked away and took a sip. "The least you could do is invite me for a drink after moaning your ex's name from my doings." Jimin suddenly brought up which made Jungkook look elsewhere while his cheeks went red from the embarrassment.

"Yeah, not my best moment." Jungkook huffed out and looked at Jimin who nodded. "It really wasn't." He took yet another sip as they both stared at each other. It was silent for a long time as they stared at each other before Jungkook looked at the other bed, clicked his tongue and sighed. "Bathroom?" He questioned and Jimin was rather surprised by that but he nodded. "Lead the way." He said as he then finished his drink once Jungkook did the same and got up to walk to the bathroom. Jimin followed right after and once he walked into the bathroom, Jungkook closed the door and attached his lips to Jimin's.

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