I gaped at him, shrieking out, "Well you could've told me that two weeks ago!"

He snorted. "You're a twenty year old Dylan, I feel like you forget that you can actually do as you please."

I shrugged as I sat back in the seat.

Honestly I did forget, but not because i'd always been this way, I think when I moved to Miami i'd integrated it into my head that I was coming with nothing and depending on my brother.

But the truth was I wasn't actually depending on him, in his eyes I was just finding my way and I guess I needed to get the thought that im supposed to be at least a good house guest out my head, since in reality im not a house guest, im his sister trying to build a life here.

But its been a long time since i'd stayed with my brother, almost 9 years since i'd moved in with uncle and so I needed to remind myself that he wasn't my uncle, he was more like Spencer, my friend, not someone I had to lean on but if I needed to they were there.

"I do need friends." I said with a soft sigh accompanying my words and he nodded in agreement, instead of staying in here and sulking over my lack of friendships I got up and showed off the container, "Wheres Rhys's office?"

"Two floors up."

I nodded.

"Does he have Terri and Terry Perry too?" I questioned as I moved around the chair and he snorted at the nickname i'd started to use more often for the twins up front.

"Just one, shes the only one who does the job right or something like that."

I shook my head. "That guys a puzzle."

He nodded. "And a half."

I grinned and sent my brother a small wave as I got to the door and opened it, just to hear a thanks for the cupcakes Dylan as I closed the door behind me.

I shook my head with a grin as I slipped out the room with the container in hand, the twins, Kiana and Kauai sent me two matching smiles which I smiled back at.

I liked them, they weren't that scary, well not anymore at least.

Maybe I could be their fri- no! I needed friends away from my brothers life and what not.

Yes, yep.

Still, it didn't mean I couldn't be their friend too.

With that thought I got in the elevator and tapped my foot as I stared at the changing numbers till it was at 46 and I got out, more people on this floor, but everyone was working and it was kind of- well, impressive.

I walked through, noting some eyes lift to me but they looked away seconds after.


When I got to desk the girl behind it looked up to me, her eyes scanning me before she looked down to the magazine once again. Uh-

"Hi, is Rhys here?"

"Uh huh."

Wow, she was just the sweetest, wasn't she?

"Can I go in?"


Drawling out my words I asked, "Could I ask why exactly?"

"He's meeting someone."

I oh'd in realization, biting at my cheek as I looked to the closed doors. I looked to her name on the desk, Emma. Then the yellow sticky notes beside it.

"Could I have a sticky note, please?"

In pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me but she took it and handed me one which i'd taken, even if I wanted to poke her in the dang eyeball.

I didn't write anything besides my name, before remembering what he'd called me not too long ago.


I grinned and wrote that instead, from Calli and a smiley face beside it before I placed it down on her desk.

"Can you give this to him? I'd really appreciate it."

She just grunted in response and with a inaudible huff I turned back, one last look at the closed doors before I walked away.

Sweeney Sweets Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ