Answers to hard questions

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1. John Rocco

2. Twelfth

3. Chris McCarrell

4. August 18, 1993

5. Ugliano

6. Moldy garlic pizza wrapped in gym shorts

7. A snake

8. He's one of the only heroes to get a happy ending and peaceful death

9. 1932

10. The Hall of the Gods

11. Nine

12. Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot, Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon, Percy Jackson and the Sword of Hades

13. A parent's hand

14. Blue

15. Hecate

16. Alaska

17. A flying Greek trireme

18. Quintus

19. Etna

20. Beryl

21. Seven

22. She tried to become the Oracle of Delphi

23. The General

24. Poison

25. South Florida, Texas, Hawaii, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Dakota and Delaware

26. Drew Tanaka

27. The god who has turned

28. Anaklusmos

29. Fred

30. A small piece of skin just under his left arm

31. 23

32. Katoptris

33. Jack London

34. Spiders!

35. Hazel (power over gems/precious metals)

36. Scarlett Johansson

37. A year's supply of free pepperoni pizza and numerous blue jelly beans

38. Nekhbet

39. Estelle Blofis

40. 32

41. Matthew and Bobby

42. Pegasus

43. Charybdis

44. Pinecone Face

45. An aardvark

46. The Starbucks of Ancient Greece

47. Eat my pants

48. A jackalope

49. Hercules Busts Heads

50. The Gemini

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