Skylor, still dumbfounded, followed Kai's movements for a few seconds before tearing him off of herself and stepping back a bit. "Okay, what's going on?!" She asked. "And would you please cut the music?" She turned to Zane who hurried and ended the tunes coming out of his arm.

Kai looked at his sister who smiled at him and held her thumbs up, trying to encourage him. He then cleared his throat and hesitantly looked at his girlfriend who was still waiting for an answer. "Skylor, there is something... I've been wanting to ask you."

The redhead looked at Kai who seemed to be scared for some reason. He was usually the cockiest person who she had ever met, so she was wondering why the sudden change in characteristics happened. So she let him continue.

"I-I know this may be rushed, and you can always say 'n-no', of course. The last thing I want you to feel is awkward, and believe me when I say that it wasn't my idea to do this in front of our friends!" He quickly threw in, considering the fact that Cole was already recording everything.

Skylor put her hands on her hips, waiting for him to go on. Her patience was at a short string at this point.

He swallowed hard. "Skylor, I hope that you know how much you m-mean to me and make me happy and care for me, because you really do. We've been together for two years at this point in time and I've been the happiest ever since the first time you stepped into my life as just the girl my sister had to do a school project with."

Skylor's eyes widened a little bit in realization of what could happen next, yet she tried her best to keep a poker face on. However, she smiled like an idiot.

"I remember our firsts in a heartbeat: our first date, our first kiss, our first cuddles, something I probably shouldn't mention... and even our first time talking about our future together. A-And I want you to know that I wasn't lying when I said that I see you in my future because you're everything I need at this point." Kai then heard someone faintly clearing their throat, so he looked to the side to see his little sister looking anywhere but at him innocently. He chuckled. "Besides my sister, of course." That put a smile on Nya's face who was still looking away.

Skylor then gasped and covered her mouth with her hands in shock once Kai slowly got on one knee and pulled out a small box out of his pocket.

"Skylor Amelia Chen, will you make me the happiest man in history and marry me?" He opened the box and showed her the ring which shimmered brightly in the right angle.

The whole room was quiet, their friends were trying to hold in their breaths in anticipation. All eyes were on Skylor who stood there in place, hiding her face in her hands.

Kai, also still standing (and sitting, actually) in place, kept his smile as his eyes searched for everyone else's. Not knowing what to do next, he waited patiently for an answer.

At last, Skylor wiped down her face with her hands, showing everyone that she was crying, and looked back at Kai and the ring.

She kept crying as she threw herself onto him. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" She repeated, burying her face in his shoulder as he quickly pulled the ring out of the box and put in on her left ring finger.

Then he held her by her waist, letting her cry into his shoulder, as he stood up and held his arm in the air. "SHE SAID 'YES'!" He exclaimed, letting his own tears flow down.

Their friends started to clap and congratulate them by basically screaming wonderful things which they could've said normally, too.

Cole kept recording as he tried his best to clap onto his inner elbow.

After Skylor and Kai shared a long, passionate kiss, Mr Chen came out of nowhere and pulled his daughter into a loving hug. Taking this to her advantage, Nya ran up to her brother and hugged him as tightly as ever.

"See, I knew she would say 'yes'!" She said as she pulled away again. Then she held him by his hands and let some tears fall down as she actually started to realize the current moment they were in. "I'm so proud of you, bro. And I know that... that Mom and Dad would've been just as proud." Kai then hugged his sister once again, both crying while holding each other.

After that, the rest of the gang came up to them and congratulated the freshly announced fiancés individually.

Lloyd fist-bumped his friend. "Congrats, bro." Then he stepped closer to him, startling him when he suddenly whispered into his ear. "I'll be your best man, right?"

Kai chuckled. "We'll see about that, buddy."

At the same time, Nya did the same with Skylor. "I am so happy for you, Sky! And I'm gonna be even happier when I can stand there behind you as your maid of honor, because I'll be your made of honor, right?" Nya narrowed her eyes playfully at her best friend, making her laugh.

"Of course, bestie!"

"Congratulations, Kai!" Jay quickly hugged Kai before doing the same with Skylor. "Congratulations, Sky!"

The others also quickly hugged the two before they all started to celebrate until late in the evening.

It was about 11:50 in the evening when they all were still partying in the closed restaurant with drinks and adult beverages, as well as lots of pizza and French fries.

At one point, Jay pulled Nya into an unoccupied corner and made out with her before looking dreamily at her.

"I have something for you." He said as he turned around and started to pull something out of his back pocket.

"If you're pulling out a ring, I swear to god, Walker-"

"No!" He chuckled. "Sometime in the future, I promise." He quickly added.

Then he handed her a white letter, waiting impatiently for her to open it. Nya carefully inspected it before opening it and pulling out two pieces of paper.

Her eyes widened. "Plane tickets?" She gasped.

Jay smiled sheepishly as he nodded. "To the Maledives."

Nya's mouth started to open and close, looking for the right words. "I possibly can't accept that, Jay, we-" She tried to hand them back to him, however he refused.

"Nah, ah, ah, no giving backies! Besides," He took her hands in his and looked deeply into her eyes. "you're gonna deserve a break after you graduate."

Her eyes widened again as she quickly looked back at the plane tickets, looking for the date. She smiled. "These are for the summer vacations."

He then smiled as well, pulling her closer by her hips. "Six weeks in the sun, baby! Just you and me."

Nya laughed happily as she threw herself onto her boyfriend. "Thank you!"

"Anything for you." He smiled as he held her close, enjoying their little moment.

It was only a few more months until Nya would graduate.

It was only a few more months until she wouldn't go to that school anymore.

It was only a few more months until they wouldn't have to hide their relationship from the public anymore.

And they couldn't wait for the moment to come.


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