Chapter 9

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Monday, 01:31 pm.

"He doesn't need to know."

Nya, who was listening to everything from inside of the trash can, was completely raging on the inside. It was one thing to try to hit on her secret boyfriend, but betraying her own brother like that was too much.

So she didn't care about hiding anymore and decided to get in-between whatever the heck Skylor was trying to do.

She stood up aggressively, making the lid fall down on impact with her head.

As soon as she revealed herself, Jay looked relieved, whereas Skylor looked... happy? Well, she was smiling at the sight of her.

"What the f__ do you think you are doing?!" Nya yelled, lifting herself out of the trash can.

"I knew it!" Skylor cheered, confusing the two.

"What do you mean 'you know it'? What is 'it'? AND DID YOU JUST TRY TO HIT ON JAY WHILE YOU'RE WITH MY BROTHER?!" Nya screamed at her friend.

Skylor rolled her eyes. "Calm down, bestie. It was all an act."

"An act?" Jay asked, holding Nya back before she could throw hands.

"Yeah," The redhead smiled sheepishly. "I had my suspicions about you two." She smirked.

Jay and Nya eyed each other. "Cute and all, but you are still in a relationship with Kai." Nya said more calmly than a few seconds ago.

Skylor chuckled. "I know. And I also knew you had to be here inside with him and I had to think of a way to make you reveal yourself. And it worked."

Nya sighed. "For how long have you known?"

"Ever since you guys went out on Saturday, I knew you would get together eventually. It was only a matter of time. Also, you're not really good at sneaking into closets." She smiled at Nya.

"Look, Skylor," Jay said, completely serious. "this is serious. No one, not a single soul, is allowed to know about us." He pointed between himself and Nya. "If anyone finds out, we're all gonna be goners. You-"

"I know, I know. I won't tell anyone." Skylor laughed, cutting him off. Then she turned towards her best friend. "When were you planning on telling me?"

Nya took a deep breath before looking into her eyes. "Sometime after telling my brother."

"Wait, Kai doesn't know?" The redhead raised an eyebrow.

"We kinda chickened out." Jay laughed awkwardly.

Nya sighed, looking at her best friend with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell him. I wanna tell him myself."

Skylor nodded understandingly. Then she looked back and forth between the couple for a few seconds of silence. "What now?"

Jay shrugged. "No idea, we were hanging out before you came."

The redhead's eyes widened. "You did not-"

"No, we didn't do that, Sky!" Nya chimed in, annoyed.

Skylor narrowed her eyes at Jay for a few more seconds before relaxing again. She turned towards Nya. "Whatever you do, you should hurry. Coach Humphrey told my Science class to participate in today's PE lesson for some reason."

Nya looked at her, dumbfounded. "So we're gonna spend the last two hours together?" She asked to clarify.

Skylor nodded.

"That's great, I hate it when I'm alone in P-" She then realized why she hated Skylor's Science class again. "Wait, does that mean Freddy's gonna be there too?" She asked, groaning.

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