Chapter 12

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Tuesday, 11:00 pm.

Nya hated her current situation. She hated it a lot. Looking at herself in the body length mirror inside of her changing room, she hated the fact of her wearing a swimsuit.

Correction, she hated that he was going to be the only one seeing it for weeks. Him and her trainer.

The fact that they were going to be alone in the whole swimming pool didn't really calm her nerves either.

She sighed as she stared at her swimsuit that was, unfortunately, accentuating her figure a lot. For the wrong person.

Grabbing her water bottle and her swimming goggles, she opened the door and made her way over to the big pool. She knew this place very well, due to the fact that her previous swimming lessons were held there many years ago.

Once she came closer towards the pool, she could see Freddy sitting in a white pool chair, drinking what looked like soda out of a can. As much as she could see, he was wearing a pair of red swim trunks. As she was in proximity for him to see, she could see a small grin forming on his face.

She scoffed quietly, making her way over to him and her swimming trainer who was standing there as well. What was odd, though, was that a woman was sitting in one of those chairs as well.

When the trainer saw her walking up to them, he gestured towards a chair. "Hey, take a seat."

She did as she was told. Taking a good look at him, she realized he must've been in his mid twenties. He had black hair and was quite muscular. This was visible even through his white, apparently very thin t-shirt.

"Now that everyone's here, let me introduce myself. I am John Ritzlburg, but since a lot of people tend to get my last name wrong, and you're only two, you can just call me John. As you may already know, we're going to train together to win in the category of swimming in the championships in a few weeks. We'll be here every weekday from eleven to four, so please don't get late. And if you do so, contact me immediately. I assume your Coach has already given you my number?" He asked.

The two students nodded, making him nod in return. "That's good. Since you're two, we'll have to choose who's going to compete and who's going to be a substitute. But we can do that later on, I'll have to see what you can do first. Any questions?"

The woman, who was sitting in her chair and just silently observing, still wouldn't leave Nya's mind. She raised her hand.

"Yes, Smith?"

"Please, just call me Nya." She said first. She had always hated being called by her last name as if she was a grown up adult already. Her trainer nodded understandingly. "Not to sound rude, but who is she?" She tried to sound as politely as possible because she really didn't mean any harm, but she was curious after all.

John smiled, looking at her. "This is my wife, Mandy. Since we have both genders to train, it is a must to have both genders as trainers as well. She will assist me from time to time." His wife smiled back at him and chuckled.

Nya saw the way the two were looking at each other and thought about how cute it actually was how they were probably reading each other's minds.

It reminded her of her own relationship and brought a small smile on her lips.

"Yes, Beckhams?"

This brought her out of her thoughts, making her turn her head to the side to see her classmate taking his hand back down from having it up to ask something.

"Just Freddy, please." The trainer nodded. "What are we gonna do?" He asked.

"The person taking part in the competition will have to swim the most tracks in a thirty-meters-long track in a time period of forty-five minutes."

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