Chapter 15

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Thursday, 15:39 pm.

"Alright, guys." John clapped his hands together a few times before he rested them on his hips. He looked at the two wet students in front of him and wore a look of pride on his face. "We have come very far in our training program. Even though we only have one category to participate in, you two have given your all. Since the championships are going to take place this Monday, we'll only have tomorrow left. Now I know it's a bit too late to announce who's going to participate, but I'm sure you'll do great."

As her trainer was talking Nya could feel Freddy's eyes staring at her constantly. She didn't want to look back, just because she didn't want to see that face of his.

"And that person will be... drumrolls, please..." He told his wife who was sitting on a chair behind him, now clapping on her thighs for the drumroll effect. "... Nya! Congratulations!" He cheered. Mandy cheered from behind him as well.

Nya smiled widely after hearing her name. To be honest, she was expecting it too. Just before she wanted to say something, she was cut off by a growl.

"John, you can't do that! I'm clearly a better swimmer than Smith over here will ever be! Why didn't you choose me?" Freddy was fuming by the end of his little speech. Nya side-eyed him and saw him clenching his fist on his side.

John clicked his teeth. "But I can, Freddy. She was always on point with every task, and you can't deny the fact that she can hold on for much longer than you. I'm sure she'll bring the win for us." He smiled proudly at her.

Nya felt gratitude towards John, but couldn't help but feel weird because of the looks her enemy was giving her. And those looks were unsettling.

John then turned towards Nya. "Nya, I'll send you the information on what you'll be doing and stuff via email."

"Okay." Nya agreed.

"Okay then, you may go change now. You're dismissed." John turned around and took the water bottle out of his wife's hand and drank from it, not giving his students any attention anymore.

Nya turned around and walked out of the pool area towards her changing room. After getting inside of it, she quickly dried herself off and changed into her regular clothes again. She took out her phone from her bag and read over the message her brother had sent her five minutes ago which was on her lock screen display:

'Hey sis, I'm waiting outside of the pool grounds. We have a lot to talk about! >:('

Nya snorted quietly to herself as she put her phone into her back pocket and grabbed her bag and threw it around her shoulder. After she left her changing room, she headed towards the main doors of the place.

Just before she could exit the building, she heard footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw Freddy standing in the very back in the middle of the corridor, looking at her angrily. She didn't say anything, she just stared back at him, her hand still resting on the door handle.

She could see him squinting his eyes at her before he chuckled. "You'll be sorry."

Nya raised her eyebrow, hoping he could see it so that he wouldn't suspect her being scared of him. Kai and Jay both had told her to seem confident and not let him see her scared side.

Without another word exchanged, he walked away into the other side of the corridor. Nya assumed that he would get out through the back doors as she opened the main ones.

Just as she opened the doors and looked outside, she immediately spotted her brother leaning against his red sports car, looking at his phone while chewing bubble gum.

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