Chapter 18

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Monday, 05:43 am.

She never really understood why it had to be her to be in this situation, but somehow her luck wasn't really on her side. At any time.

Of course Freddy had to take all her stuff. That including her phone, and her clothes, and her dignity.

And not to mention the fact that the heaters weren't working in that place. Either he had turned them all off without her seeing, or those wouldn't work at night.

Or not at all, actually. She had never seen a swimming pool area being heated.

Nya, being in her swimsuit still, only had the chance to cover herself with the small towel she had put her feet on earlier. She had wrapped it around her shivering body as she was in the far corner of the vast area, curled up in a ball while trying to somehow make herself become warmer.

But as the hours passed, she lost hope in anyone finding her. The championships? Yeah, someone had to notice her missing, right?

But she had not told anyone about her being there, how were they going to find her?

Nya had tried to stay in the water to feel warmer, but her strength had begun to fade as the cold was getting the best of her. And since she wasn't able to touch the ground beneath her because of the depth of the pool, she had no choice but to get out.

Her teeth were chattering as her vision was locked onto nothingness, just like her mind and thoughts.

What was her brother doing? Did he notice she was missing? Would he be mad at her? What about her boyfriend?

He probably wouldn't even know she was missing, she assumed.

Nya didn't know how, but the low temperature in the room made her feel dizzy and she could barely feel anything. Or could she? She didn't even try, she was too tired, so she just assumed so.

Her eyes slowly began to close as the last thing she remembered was that she was in someone's arms, and the muffled sounds of a worried voice around her.

~ a bit earlier ~

"No, I still haven't found her!" Jay yelled into the phone, frustration clear in his tone.

Ever since the Smith and Walker boys had woken up their friends (Jay was already accepted in the friend group), they had split up and went their different ways.

Jay had chosen to look for Nya on his own because he had some places on his mind as to where she might have been.

His first destination was the park they had gone to weeks prior. It was a beautiful sight, an even more beautiful sight at night with all the shining stars lighting up his way, yet he had no time to waste for looking at some silly stars.

He speed-walked through the many parts of the big park and looked in every direction while doing so. He even looked into the bushes with his phone flashlight, just in case she were to be...

No, he couldn't assume that.

He kept screaming her name, not caring if anyone else could hear him. Nor did he care about the occasional person on his way telling him to shut up.

He didn't have time to care about other people and their 'sleep'. His girlfriend could've been in danger!

He had his priorities.

After Jay realized she wasn't in the park, he quickly drove over to the Mega Monster Amusement Park.

Yes, it was weird to think she was at an amusement park at this time in the night, but you never know.

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