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Hayden's POV:

The morning sun illuminated the sky with a radiant glow, casting its golden light across the landscape. From my vantage point, I beheld the cloudless expanse, the sun's gentle rays kissing my face with warmth. The melodious chirping of birds echoed from their nests, adding a harmonious soundtrack to the tranquil scene. With each breath, I felt a sense of serenity wash over me, immersed in the beauty of the pristine morning sky.

I closed my eyes, relishing the warmth of the sun on my skin and the gentle caress of the wind through my hair. When I reopened them, I was met with the gaze of a beautiful creature, his eyes fixed on me with a curious expression. The serene smile gracing his lips was enough to soothe my heart, filling me with a sense of calm and contentment.

"Liam..." I called his name with so much love and passion.

he came closer touching my cheeks with the back of his hands, his smile slowly fading turning into a more serious expression

"You know I always love you right?" he asked

He's telling me he loves me in our own special way but, why do I get this feeling that it pains him saying those words

"what's wrong?" I choose to asked than answer him

He shook his head "Hayden.. my Hayden"

he smiled , gaze dropping to our intertwined fingers as he traced patterns on the back of  my hand with his thumb. Though I sensed his melancholy, I couldn't discern its cause.


A sweet angelic voice called him from a far, His attention immediately shifted towards towards the source of the voice.

He was going to leave to follow the voice. I know. I can tell from the way his body subtly leaning in the opposite direction.

But I wasn't gonna let him. I don't want him to go. selfish as it may sound but I want him to just stay by my side.

"Liam..." the voice called again

"I have to go" he told me wriggling away from my grasp

"No." I said sternly holding him more tightly afraid to let go "don't leave" I told him "don't leave me please...." I begged as tears edge at the corner of my eyes

He returned his gazed back at me meeting my eyes "I love you my Hayden, I always do. and will always will..."

"Liam," the voice called again, this time louder but retaining its beautiful, melodic tone.

"I'm sorry..." 

Despite my desperate pleas, Liam gently freed himself from my grasp, apologizing softly as he stepped away.

I watched him depart, and sank to my knees, overcome with sorrow. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I realized that I had lost him to an unknown, beautiful stranger.

In the blinding light that enveloped Liam as he disappeared from view, I felt defeated. He was gone, leaving me alone with a shattered heart.


Morning light filtered through the curtains, Hayden stirred from her restless sleep. With a heavy heart, she slowly opened her eyes, feeling the weight of exhaustion from the previous night's tears. Her eyelids felt swollen and tender, and the soreness around her eyes made it difficult to fully awaken. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, the memory of her sorrow flooded back, casting a shadow over her fragile state. Despite her reluctance, Hayden knew she had to face the day ahead, even though the pain lingered within her like an unwelcome guest.

Love You / GoodbyeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя