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Zayn's POV

I made my way to Hayden's room, carrying a cold glass of water with me. We had just been to the hotel where she had stayed for the last couple of days, collecting her belongings, which apparently amounted to just a single suitcase. Then, we headed back to our flat.

"Are you okay?" I asked as soon as I entered the room and found her lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Fortunately, Liam had decided to keep her belongings instead of disposing of them when she disappeared, so essentially, we still have everything she needs.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit dizzy," she said, appearing flushed. "It's really hot outside."

"You know you shouldn't be moving around too much" I said sitting on her bed handing her the glass

"Stop treating me like a baby. I'm not a baby anymore, in case you haven't noticed," she grimaced, sitting up and taking the water from me, drinking it all up.

I watched as she closed her eyes and pressed the moistened empty glass against the nape of her neck, scooping her hair to the other side. Oh, I did notice indeed. She had no idea how attractive she looked doing that. swallowing an imaginary lump in my throat, I spoke up, shaking my head from my trance.

"To us you're still are.....always....."

"I'll be fine Z I survived remember?" she assured opening her eyes to look at me with a smile.

Hayden call me Z its funny how she love giving silly nick names. Mines Z mainly because it's the first letter of my name. Louis is Boo bear, Harry is Hazza, Niall would be Nialler and Liam is... well... Her Liam... I call her H, the boys call her Fee...

Kissing the palm of her hand, I intertwined my fingers with hers.

"H....I know that you are devastated at the moment I know how much you are mourning at your lost I understand the pain that you have to put up with..." I brought her hands to my lips and kissed them

"But I saddens me so much when you cry...." with my other free hand I cupped her cheeks and she leaned unto them "It torments me to see you this way, distress and in misery... but you know that the boys and I would always be here for you right?"

She nodded

"I know it's a lot to ask, and it's going to be tough, but can you promise me that you'll be the brave girl I remember? I want to see the girl who never let defeat bring her down. Can you do that for me, babe?"

"I'll try..." she answered

"Fair enough.." I said pulling her into my arms and embracing her.

"You'll make it through love.... I know you will"

"Thank you Zayn for always being there for me..."

"Your always welcome babe.. You know I love you right?"

"Always have Z" she mumbled against my chest

I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew this wasn't the end of it. Sooner or later, a new wave of challenges would come her way. She just didn't know it yet, but it was closer than she could imagine. I wanted her to be ready when that time came. I wanted her to be strong enough to conquer her battles.

And I want to let her know that I'll be here when that time comes

"Hang tough okay?"

I was still holding her when Liam came in after knocking on the door a couple of times. We didn't pull away, knowing that he wouldn't mind. But I noticed him glance at our intertwined fingers before speaking up.

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