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Here's the bonus chapter some of you guys asked for~~
Lol even if only one person asked for it, I would've done the bonus chapter (* ̄︶ ̄)

Jennie's POV

It's been months since we agreed to take things one step at a time. It was mostly for me to come to terms with Rosé slowly being back in my life and that she wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Rosé has been nothing but considerate and sweet during those times. During that time, I kept feeling bad that she had to wait for me just to be ready.

As time went on, that thought kind of disappeared but still came back now and then. She kept reassuring me that it wasn't a big deal and told me the same thing she said when we talked, "Waiting a little longer, will hurt me yes, but it won't hurt me the way it hurt you."

Sure, there were times where she wasn't but I understood. She can't be like that all of the time. She has her limits too as do I, so she suggested that we would still be able to have our own personal space whenever we needed.

There were other things we had agreed on that let us be ourselves without having to hold each other back. Now, after months of just being at each others side and getting to know each other. I was ready to finally give her my new answer.

Now the only thing is how am I gonna tell her. I'm getting nervous thinking about it.

I talked about it with Jisoo unnie and she just old me to do it when I feel most at ease. I asked Irene unnie and she told me to do it when I was feeling the most content and loved.

A few days go by and we were out on the morning strolls that she and Hank always go on. I only join them a couple days a week. 3 times at most.

Today, they decided to go earlier than usual and the sun was already rising but it painted the sky a light orange and yellow.

Whenever we went on these walks, I noticed that she would just lift our intertwined hands and kiss the back of my hand.

She did that same gesture again today, while we walked by the river a few minutes away from her place. My heart was pounding in my chest, telling me to tell her.

"Chae.." I kept looking to the right towards the river.

She hummed. I felt her looking at me. I couldn't speak, I was so nervous.

"Is something wrong, Jen?" She sounded worried.

We stopped walking. She went in front of me. "What is it, Jen? Tell me."

I took a deep breath and looked at her. I smiled, "Thank you for waiting for me, all this time. You don't have to wait anymore, Chae."

A wide smile replaced her worried face. She reached for my other hand, held it, and lifted them both up to her lips. She gave both a kiss.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that, my girlfriend." She let go and embraced me.

It was different than the others. It felt like she poured all the emotions she couldn't tell me, into that hug. It felt so comforting.

We returned to her house and we stayed there cuddling on the couch until I had to leave for work. Of course I didn't wanna leave but she kept reminding me about the wrath of our Jisoo unnie.

I buried my head into her neck. "I don't wanna go yet."

"I know Jen, but I don't think you wanna hear either one of our phones constantly ringing until one of them asks Lisa to break down that door."

I groaned, contemplating on whether or not I wanted to witness that situation now or save it for next time.

I went with save it for next time and gave her cheek a quick kiss. She looked stunned. I might do those more often so I can see the small blush she gets after she registers that I kissed her cheek.

"You're cute when you blush, Chae." She blushed even more.

"Ok time for you to go." She patted my sides and I got up off the couch.

She held my hand as I walked to the door. "I'll see you later, Jen." It was my turn to blush as she kissed me on my cheek when I was out of the door.

She smirked and gave me a wink before kissing my hand and leaning back to close the door.

I couldn't stop smiling as I drove to the company. The unnie's figured it out as soon as I came in.

Lunch couldn't come by any quick and when it was finally time, I was the first one out the door. I saw her by the window and I fet my smile growing each step I took.

She saw me through the window and immediately smiled my way. I sat next to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The rest of them joined us one by one after Jisoo unnie followed after me.

It was already the end of the day, and we decided to stay over at one of our houses which was my house today.

I was sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table in the living room while she was taking a shower. My hair was still wet so I still had a towel around my neck while I looked over some documents.

I think I was so occupied by the papers that I couldn't hear the shower turn of nor her footsteps walking towards me. The only way I knew was when I felt hands lifting a few strands of my hair and then a pair of arms appeared on either side of my shoulders, wrapping me up in an embrace.

"You smell so nice."

"Pfftt you smell like me right now Chae."

She hummed placing her head that was previously buried in my hair, on my shoulder.

She stayed like that until I was finished with the papers. "Done! What would you like to do now, Chae?"

She hummed again and I turned to see her eyes closed. "Sleepy??"

She shook her head from side to side. "Just thinking."

"Mmm. Wanna go on the couch so you're more comfortable?"

"I am comfortable like this though." She frowned while her eyes were still closed.

I giggled at her, "Ok then so I'm more comfortable."

She practically jumped off me when she heard me say that. "I'm sorry."

I giggled again, "you don't need to be, Chae."

I got up and reached for her hands dragging her down with me onto the couch. I hugged her waist and buried my face into her chest.

She fixed out positioning to where I was now squished between her body and the couch.

I was drifting off to sleep when she called out my name. "Jen?"

I hummed. "Can I give you a kiss?"

My heart knocked on my chest. It's wasn't a skip but my heart reacted to her question. I was wide awake now.

I lifted my head and didn't expect a peck on my lips with a smiling Chaeyoung in front of my face after I nodded my head.

I tried to stop myself from smiling and I knew I couldn't control the blush that was already on my cheeks.

"That was too short." I pouted and she smiled wider.

"As the wifey wishes."

A/N: Woooooo it is officially done!!!!!

Thank you for reading, everyone!!! Hope you all enjoyed!! See you guys in another story !!!

I will be launching another story probably right after this!! Soo if you like Lisoo then go ahead and check it out if you'd like!!


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