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Y/n stormed into the house, ignoring her family that sat in the living room, gazing at her retreating figure in confusion, the sound of a door being slammed loud as day.

"Y'all better get her before I do. Coming in here with a attitude slamming doors" M/n said with her arms folded.

Nahoya and Souya both looked at each other immediately knowing what was up. "We'll go check on her," they said to their parents and disappeared up the staircase.

The twins opened her door only to find Y/n face down on her bed with her head folded in her arms as her legs shook from anger.


Y/n lifted herself from the current position, revealing her teary face to her younger brothers.

"We heard what happened, is it that bad?"

"It's more than that. I tried to prevent the fight from going any further but noooo 'I'm going against Mikey' and it's annoying because Drakens has some sort of hostility towards me, for no reason by the way, and Mikey has been harsher towards me since Shinichiro died, and it's ugh it's so frustrating."

Nahoya and Souya glanced at each other, neither of them knowing how to comfort their sister.

In the duration of this eye contact, they argued on who was going to reassure her. neither of them wanted to, since the last time they said something that made everything worse, leaving Y/n to have a mental breakdown in her room.

Souya rolled his eyes and flipped Nahoya off before going to sit next to Y/n. He pulled her close to him letting her rest her head on his shoulder, her sniffles coming to a stop.

He glared at Nahoya, nudging his head 'Get the fuck over here' he screamed with his eyes. Nahoya rolled his eyes and reluctantly made his way to sit with his siblings.

As he sat down, he harshly tugged at Souya's hair, resulting in a punch to his side.

"You fuckers seriously fighting right now?" the twins halted their fist. "No"

"Here's what I think. Mikey is not the type to say exactly what he is feeling but maybe it's not you. he probably has a lot going on and is just being passive-aggressive about it. As for Draken, he's more approachable. Just tell him how you feel and ask why he's being hostile towards you." Souya said as he rubbed Y/n's shoulder comfortingly.

"Yeah and if they keep being mean to you we can just jump their asses," Nahoya said as he put his fist against the palm of his hand.

"Thank you guys, you're the best" she smiled and sat up from Souya's shoulder.

"Let us know if you need anything." and with that, they both left Y/n's room, but not without Nahoya flicking her off.

"Bitch!" she yelled, hearing Nahoya's laugh ring through the hallway.

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