Do you like the view?

ابدأ من البداية

Once I finish he makes sure to take my plate from my hands, and walk it to the dishwasher. He places both our plates inside, and then nods his head.

"Your clothes are clean in the hall bathroom for you. I'll change upstairs and then I'll take you home." He tells me, and goes upstairs without another word. I watch him, and shake my head, knowing I shouldn't feel as comfortable and as normal as I do in this circumstance. I walk back into the bathroom down the hall, and my clothes are folded nicely on the counter, right next to a packaged toothbrush and a travel size toothpaste. I look at myself in the mirror and almost scream at the horror. How does one do that in their sleep? How? Well maybe because that couch is comfier than any bed I've ever owned... That could be it.. It was probably as expensive as my monthly rent too.

I change into my clothes, leaving my undershirt off, only wearing the black sweater and jeans for now. I throw my hair back, and out of my face and then I brush my teeth quickly, knowing I'm going to shower when I get back to my place I don't worry about the rest of everything. I walk back out, and Harry is in a pair of shorts with stitching all on them. Bunnies and cute things, and I'm instantly drawn to them. I wish I had thought of it first actually... He's wearing a white tshirt, ankle socks, tennis shoes and a beanie on his head. I can't stop looking at the shorts though. They're adorable, unisex, very universal...

"Is there something wrong?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Your shorts... They're genius, I wish.. I wish I had made them myself. I love them." I speak my mind, and he looks down almost as if he had forgotten what he put on.

"These were from an open market... One of a kind." He tells me looking down at them, and then back up. "I'm glad you like them." He smiles, and keeps walking, thinking nothing more of it. He looks so different like this. He looks like a casual, normal twenty six year old right now, not the intimidating, suit wearing, mega boss he looked like yesterday. What a weird 360... And I look like I just had a one night stand probably. Go fucking figure.

We stand in the elevator together, and wait in silence as it quickly travels down all the floors of the building to bring us to the garage. One we're in the garage he walks us to the same area we were in last night, the area where he had his million cars parked. I spot the dark blue car, and I guess he does too. He clicks his keys, and the car chirps at us, and the lights turn on. I could scream in rage right now. I should have known he owned this one too..

"I saw you looking at it last night... Figured we could take it out today." He speaks in a casual tone, and I think I might combust.

"I hate you."

"Why?" he asks casually once again.

"Because you're rich." I sputter, and open the car door. "You have cars I don't even know the names of..." I tell him as he gets into the driver's side.

"BMW 8501..." He tells me, and starts the car, then presses another button above us. "Convertible." He smiles, and he seems like a kid right now, like he's getting to live his own dream and it's almost endearing, knowing that he was never poor, but he did have to work to make ends meet when he was in school. I'm not sure what happened, or what he did right, and what I did wrong, but this is something he gets to enjoy, and I need to shut up my jealous brain because it's really getting on my last nerve. Enjoy the car Scarlett, you'll never have one, so just enjoy it.

"God I'm going to dream of this car." I speak my mind as I sit in the leather seats, and look up around us as we pull out of the garage. It's not even just beautiful it's sexy, literally this car is like sex that's how hot it is... I turn to the side, and notice his sunglasses on, notice how incredibly hot he looks driving the hot car, and I look away, knowing I can't have him or the car. I just get to sit here, and envy the thought of having both.

Skinny Dipping -H.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن