Chapter 16

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Since Olympic left, things had been getting pretty boring. Although I was showing some improvement, I was still quarantined. Even so, I'd still receive the occasional visitor.

Pennsylvania came in daily. At first I had protested this but in the end, I decided it was no use arguing and just let her come in on her own time. It drove Solace, the fleet's healer, crazy.

"If deputies become immune to Influenza, please let me know." She muttered crossly. Pennsylvania docked alongside me. "How're you doing today?" She asked. I shrugged. "Bored." I replied. She laughed. "Well that's good to hear, it means you're getting better." She said. I winced. "Thank the Ancients that White Star came through with that cure." I agreed, somehow managing to keep my anger under control.

I wasn't angry because White Star had gotten the cure, I was just the opposite for that. No, what I was angry about was Olympic's stunt to get it. The Brit had driven herself through an icefield trying to reach the Norwegian freighters on the other side. Who did she think she was, an icebreaker? She had ended up with both her wing propeller blades smashed beyond repair and had to drift until Majestic found her. It was just luck that she did. If she hadn't, Olympic would've been a perfect target for submarines. I was going to have a serious talk with her when she returned.

"Easy there." Pennsylvania murmured, seeing my annoyance. "Is Olympic crazy? She should be nowhere near ice. Honestly, does she want to die?" I growled. My sister shrugged. "I can't really say." She admitted. "Now rest, you need it." She ordered. "Humph" was my response.

"Arizona, I mean it." She growled. I sighed. "Fine." I grumbled. I closed my eyes, feeling Pennsylvania's gentle touch relaxing me. It wasn't long before I was drifting, in another minute, I had fallen soundlessly asleep.

In my dreams, I found myself sailing on calm waters, under a clear but moonless sky. In the distance I could see a ship, sparkling like the stars themselves. Her crimson eyes glowing with love.

"Arizona." She greeted me warmly. I inclined my head. "Titanic." I said. She nodded. "My naval sister." She said, nuzzling me. A bit surprised, I returned her gesture. "Come, sail with me." She said. I did.

"Do you know why Olympic was chosen to lead the navy?" She asked. I shook my head. "No." I said. "It wasn't coincidence that she was chosen close to the same time that you were." She said. I frowned. "So?" I asked.

"You're close, you're sisters. You're aware of the rules of the code aren't you?" She asked. "Of course, I break them like 5 times a day." I replied. Titanic laughed. "At least." She agreed. "You're meant to change the code, Arizona." She told me. "Change it how?" I asked.

"By working in tandem with Olympic. Follow your heart and together, you can change the world." She replied. "And you?" I asked. Titanic nuzzled me. "You have nothing to fear, Arizona. I'll be there for you, both of you." She replied.

There would be a hard, long road ahead of me, but I took comfort in the fact that I would have the power of the Ancients on my side. I wasn't alone.

I woke the next morning feeling refreshed as I usually did after dreaming of Titanic. I don't know how she did it, but Olympic's dead sister could make me rest easy. Whenever I had a morning where I woke refreshed, I knew it was because of Titanic. "Thank you." I whispered, grateful to her.

The solitude of the navy yard allowed me easy access to my thoughts. I began thinking about what Titanic had said last night. "You will change the world." She had promised. How Olympic and I could change the world, change the ship's Code of Honor that had existed for centuries I didn't know.

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