Chapter 21

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It was the thing I feared the most, the thing I'd hoped would never happen. And yet, it did. My sister had gone back to her old life.

"I have to go get her, Olympic." I whispered. "You can't force her to come back, Majestic." She replied. "At least let me talk to her." I begged. She shook her head. "Homeric has made her decision and we will honor it. I won't force her to live in a world she does not trust." She said.

Anger took hold of me, I couldn't believe that Olympic was saying this. "You wanted her to leave, she's German, and so you don't trust her or me." I said. "Majestic that's not true." She whispered. "I've seen the way you look at her. Don't think I don't hear what you say." I said. "I don't judge ships by their race." She said.

"You just judge them by their traits." I sneered. "I don't know what you're talking about." She lied. "Yes you do. You look for ships that have the same traits as your sisters." I snapped. She nodded. "Yes, I look." She admitted. "So I'm just a fill in is that it? You don't have any sisters so you look for others who are the same." I accused her. Olympic didn't answer. "Majestic that's quite enough." Celtic ordered. I ignored her, moving closer to my leader.

"Me, Homeric all of us, is that all we are, a stand in for your sisters?" I asked. Olympic backed up a few paces. "I would never." She whispered. "Would you not? Somehow I doubt it." I replied. She shook her head. "Majestic, you have it all wrong." She said.

"I would've thought that you of all ships would help me but forget it, I should've known you wouldn't understand." I snapped and whirling around, I sailed off. "I do understand Majestic. More than you know." Olympic whispered behind me.

I raced out of Southampton. I was so angry I missed my turn towards Hamburg and headed out into the North Atlantic. I needed some time to myself anyway so I decided to continue on. Four days later, I turned the corner and by nightfall I broke from my westerly course and headed due north 10 miles. I felt as though an invisible force was carrying me to the spot. It wasn't until I arrived that I realized what the spot was. I was at latitude 41.44N, longitude 50.14W Titanic's last known position.

Somewhere, 2.5 miles below me, was the sunken remains of Olympic's beloved twin. I had great respect for Titanic, the ship had given up her life to save her sister. I shook my head, forcing the surge of anger down, now was no time for grudges.

The long run across the Atlantic had exhausted me and minutes after I dropped anchor, I fell asleep.

The water around me was flat calm, not a ripple to be found. The sea was like glass and the sky, so many stars it was impossible to count them all. It seemed as though the whole universe had emerged this one night to share its beauty with those on earth. The only fault this night was no moon was shining. It made it very difficult for me to see.

Up ahead, I could see a rounded object outlined against the sky. It slowly resolved itself the longer I looked, an iceberg. It was fortunate that I wasn't moving forward otherwise it would've sliced me open like a tin can.

I saw another shape emerge from behind it, another ship. She sparkled like the stars overhead, an Ancient. She came closer and looked so familiar that at first I thought I was looking at a dead Olympic until I saw her eyes. They were crimson red, not amber. "Majestic." She whispered. "It's been too long since our last encounter."

"It was you who I saw in the channel during that storm." I exclaimed, realizing where I'd seen her before. She nodded. "Yes, that was me." She admitted. "I owe you a debt of gratitude for saving my sister."

I knew now who I was talking to. "Titanic?" I asked. She smiled. "You need help, Majestic." She said. I nodded, no point in keeping it secret from an Ancient. "Yes, I need to get my sister back." I replied. "You cannot force her to return." She said.

The Olympian Sisters #3 The Gilded AgeWhere stories live. Discover now