Chapter 8

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I took on provisions for my next crossing. All around me ships were falling ill. Cedric was down, as were Laurentic, Megantic and Nomadic. And as of last night, Olympic's deputy Celtic was diagnosed with a mild case.

I'd been in Britain for barely a month and already, my new home was in danger. Homeric was considering running back to Hamburg but I was firmly against it. "This is our home now. We are British, not German." I tried to convince her.

I doubted she would ever be loyal to Olympic or Great Britain. She was German to the core. Despite being born there and living in the same harbor with her for four years, I cared little, if at all, for Germany. I couldn't really explain it. I just felt different there. I didn't fit in but here in Britain, I felt right at home. I knew that Homeric didn't like it here and felt like an outsider, but she would adjust. She just needed some time.

With my coal all onboard and my passengers settled in, I let the tugs push me out into the channel and headed out on my maiden voyage. Not as the German liner Bismarck as was originally intended, but as the British liner Majestic.

Crossing the North Atlantic, I kept a close eye on my passengers. If a single one got sick, we could be held in quarantine for months. As much as I wanted to see New York, I didn't want to live there.

Entering the harbor, I saw a line of ships waiting for their passengers to be checked.

They filed off one by one, going through three different checkpoints before they were allowed into America. Third class, as always, was dropped at Ellis Island, while first and second class were taken back on board.

"All right girl, let's go in." My captain said.

New York was bigger than I expected. The first thing that struck me was the number of boats in the area. There were countless yachts, numerous small fishing craft and hundreds of liners, all in the same harbor. Isolated from the business, I could just make out the Brooklyn Navy Yard where much of the US fleet was built.

It was there that I saw a large battleship watching me. Her gray eyes were both tired and sad. Her bow number identified her as battleship 39.

She must be Arizona. I thought. I gave her a respectful nod, she returned it then turned and vanished into the yard. I sighed.

Battleships were a unique lot to say the least. They weren't allowed any friends or family and they spent most of their lives as solitary ships. Arizona had broken every rule in the book it seemed like to be with Olympic and now Olympic wasn't here, she was forced to remain in Southampton to watch over a sick fleet. Looking at the spot where she disappeared, I whispered "I'm sorry."

I docked at my assigned berth at White Star's Pier 59. Olympic had the same dock and Titanic and Britannic would've as well. I felt a twinge of affection and a surge of respect for my leader. If she ever felt anything about the loss of her two sisters, and I was sure that she did, she never showed it around the fleet. Most ships would break after something that traumatic, not Olympic. She emerged from each crisis stronger than before.

On my port side, I had Baltic. "Hey Bissie!" She sang. I usually ignored her, but this time curiosity got the better of me. "Bissie?" I asked. "You were named Bismarck weren't you? So Bissie is your nickname." She explained. "Gee, thanks." I muttered sarcastically. "And what's yours, Prank Sea?" I asked. "Ha, ha." She muttered. I turned away from her.

On my starboard side was Leviathan. My other sister was like me in that she too hated Germany. Lusitania's death had changed her and by war's end Vaterland was all but dead. Only Leviathan remained. She had been converted into a troop transport during the war, and now was serving as a passenger liner for the American Line. "Leviathan," I whispered. She turned to face me. "Bismarck." She exclaimed. "It's Majestic now. White Star got to me." I replied. "Well I can see that." She laughed.

The Olympian Sisters #3 The Gilded AgeWhere stories live. Discover now