Chapter 25

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I was resting comfortably at my berth when a naval ship came over. "HMS Barham." She said. I dipped my head. "RMS Majestic." I replied. She nodded knowingly.

"You're presence is required at Ft. Cowes." She said, turning back for the fort. I knew better than to ask questions, I turned and followed her to Cowes.

HMS Hood was waiting for me when I arrived. "RMS Majestic, the king and queen have been expecting you." She said. I nodded, trying hard to hide the surprise I felt. Hood turned to my escort. "Thank you Barham, that'll be all." She said. The big battleship dipped her head and left.

"Come with me." Hood ordered. I followed her inside the fort. Rows upon rows of ships watched me as I entered behind Hood. I'd always known that England had the largest, most powerful naval force on the planet but this really gave me a new perspective on the power of my country. "The whole fleet must be here." I whispered. Hood smiled. "Hardly, this is just the Atlantic fleet. Many of the Pacificers could not make it in time for the ceremony." She said.

"What ceremony?" I asked. "My word, did Barham not tell you?" She asked. I shook my head. Hood sighed. "I'm not sure if you know this but the king used to be a naval officer and has always had an interest in the merchant marine." She said. I nodded. She went on. "Well, the king wants to personally inspect one of his finest ocean liners." She said.

"But why me, I'm White Star sure, but I'm not English?" I said. "But you are royalty. You and your sisters were christened by Kaiser Wilhelm. The German Kaiser is the king's nephew, which makes you practically family." She said.

That much was true. Homeric was christened by the Kaiser and while I was intended to be the only one of my class to be christened by a woman, Kaiser Wilhelm ended up christening me anyway when the woman missed.

The ships had all lined up in columns so they left a small isle for me to move through. The royal yacht, Sunrise moved forward from the opposite end of the row of ships. Hood and I moved forward at the same time so we would meet somewhere in the middle.

"Nervous?" Hood asked. I nodded. "Don't be, it'll be fine." She assured me. I nodded. "I sure hope so." I moaned.

Sunrise halted alongside me. I stood at attention, waiting for the king and queen to board me. They did and my captain met them on the bridge wing, ready to take them on a tour of the ship.

King George looked like an eager schoolboy, about to embark on a great adventure, Queen Mary was more stern, although she did seem at least mildly interested.

They went through all the staterooms. The king thought they were magnificent while the queen declared them no different than the ones on Sunrise. "Ignore her." Hood said. "She's just trying to look like the queen she is." While King George behaved like an immature little boy, Queen Mary maintained a stern, firm countenance although I could sense the curiosity she felt.

"Thanks for the tip." I muttered. "Don't mention it." She said. Next stop, the engine room. King George absolutely loved it and even Queen Mary managed a smile and a complement that was below what she actually felt. I felt jubilant though.

Just as the royal visit was ending, Mauretania came in. Seeing what was going on she blew her whistle and dipped her ensign in salute. I returned it with a whistle blast of my own. And with that, the royal visit was over.

I sighed, relieved that all went well. As the queen disembarked, the king remained behind. He was pretending to look around, the crew knew what he was up to though and weren't surprised when he started talking in Shiptongue.

The Olympian Sisters #3 The Gilded AgeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant