Chapter 23

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As I entered the Chesapeake, I saw two important looking men waiting for me. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that Olympic was right. President Harding had come, his predecessor President Wilson was alongside. I docked to let them come aboard. My captain saluted smartly as the two men stepped onto the bridge.

"Where to, Mr. President?" I asked. He shrugged. "Anywhere that's not DC." He said. "How 'bout the Virgin Islands?" I asked. It was about a 2 day trip at cruising speed to reach Loinster Bay on the American owned St. Johns Island. "Sound's delightful. Nothing like a nice warm island and beautiful women to cheer a man up." He said.

Wilson laughed. "You never need to worry about that with Arizona. She loves the tropics." He said. "What's your favorite island?" Harding asked. "San Salvador." I replied. "Beautiful place." He agreed. "But I prefer Haiti." He said. "That would be my second choice. It's a very nice island only too many photographers wanting to chase a super dreadnought around." I said. Wilson and Harding both laughed at that one.

"So I presume you wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked. Harding shrugged. "You seem to know what it is already." He said. "I'm being careful Mr. President and if it comes to war, I understand that the country comes before Olympic or any other foreign ship." I said. "Good girl." He said.

"Still," Wilson said. "You know I don't approve of your relationship with Olympic. I've told you that before." I sighed. "Then you should know that my response to your objection is and always will be 'shut the hell up'!" I growled. "I like this one." Harding said. "She's got an attitude."

"And a big ego." Wilson agreed. "I do not have a big ego." I exclaimed indignantly. "You know what the first sign of a big ego is?" Wilson asked. When I shook my head he answered his own question. "It's denying that you have a big ego." He said. Harding laughed. "Nice one!" He praised Wilson.

I seethed silently. "One of these days." I thought. Dinner was called and Wilson and Harding retreated into the mess hall to eat.

I sailed on to St. Johns Island, one of two in the island chain own by the US. The rest belonged to Britain. From my anchorage point in Loinster Bay, I could see the Southwest tip of the British owned Tortola. I felt a twinge of Jealousy towards England. They had the biggest empire the world had ever seen and although Americans weren't imperialistic, I couldn't help but have thoughts of taking it over.

To avoid photographers, Wilson and Harding remained indoors while I restocked on provisions. This was one of the main reasons why I loved the tropics. The smell of the fresh produce in the markets was enough to make anyone's mouth water. But since that was impossible for ships, I had to settle for an agonizing delicious scent.

If ships could eat human food, I would eat nothing but tropical fruit. Papaya would be my first choice with Guava and Mango coming in at a close second. As all three fruits were brought onboard and stored in the holds, I was bathed in their sweet scent.

"Heaven." I murmured. "You want some?" A dockworker asked. He spoke English Shiptongue perfectly, there was only a slight hint of an islander's accent. I nodded. "If I could, I would." I said. "You have a mouth don't you?" He asked.

I nodded, a little perplexed. Of course I had a mouth, what kind of question was that? He turned to one of the crates and carefully removed the lid. He gently lifted a papaya out of its cradle and closed the lid. Setting the fruit down on top of the box, he took out a small knife from his pocket and began cutting the fruit into bite sized pieces. His motions were so swift and clean that hardly a drop of the fruit's precious juice was spilled.

Placing the slices in a bowl he then handed them to me. I didn't hesitate. I leaned down and bit into a piece. It was like a small explosion of taste in my mouth. I dove into the bowl, quickly downing the rest of the fruit. I remembered my manners though and did a clean civilized style of it. If gobbling could be considered a civilized way of eating that is.

The Olympian Sisters #3 The Gilded AgeWhere stories live. Discover now