Chapter 24

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At last, after 5 weeks of work, I was ready to be put back into service. The Belfast workmen had done a stupendous job of repairing me. They had to replace the entire stern frame casing, a job that had never been done before. But now I looked as good as new.

No one could tell that I'd been in an accident. The spat with St. George brought my total number of collisions up to four. The first with a tug upon the end of my maiden voyage to New York, the second with HMS Hawke, and the third with the German submarine U-103.

Majestic came over, her blue eyes gleamed with excitement. "You're back!" She exclaimed. I nodded. "The workmen did a quick job of it." I said. "I can't even tell you were ever in a collision." She said. "I was fixed by the best." I replied.

"Indeed." Celtic said from nearby. My deputy looked exhausted, her eyes were unusually bright and her voice was hoarse. "You alright Celtic?" I asked. She nodded. "I don't envy you Olympic, trying to run a line is a nightmare." She replied.

I understood at once. I'd been so busy with the Royal Navy that I'd barely had time for maintaining White Star. "Oh god, Celtic I'm sorry." I moaned. She shrugged. "It's ok, Olympic. You're doing the best you can." She replied.

"You should've talked to me." I said. "You've had enough on your shoulders lately, what with the government up your stern 24-7. I figured it best if I didn't add to that." She said. "It's not worth it if you fall ill, Celtic. So in the future, talk to me and we'll figure something out." I said. She nodded.

Majestic looked amused. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." She said a little too quickly. "Uh huh." I said, not convinced in the slightest. Suddenly she jumped to one side and I turned around in time to see 90 million pounds of water fall onto me. All I could see was a wall of white foam.

It took several minutes to clear but when it did, I could see Baltic standing there, a look of pure glee on her face. "Welcome back to the fleet Olympic!" She sang. "Oh, that is it!" I yowled, making a lunge for her. "You are so going down!" She yelped and raced off, I was not too far behind. Normally, I was twice her speed but the water was weighing me down. It was being drained out, but not fast enough for me to get any real speed real quickly.

Even so, it drained just enough for me to gain a knot or two on her. It wasn't much, but it was enough for me to catch up. When I did, I set my own tidal wave on her. It ended up completely dousing her from stem to stern and I quickly had her pinned. "Say uncle!" I ordered. She squirmed beneath me. "Say it!" She laughed. "Alright, alright, uncle." She exclaimed.

I released her and let her struggle to her feet. "You're heavy Olympic." She said. "Maybe it has something to do with the water you dumped on me." I replied. She glanced at my scuppers, which were pouring a torrent of water out from deep within my hull. "Yeah, you're probably right." She admitted.

I nudged her. "Not bad, Prank Sea, not bad at all." I praised her. She shrugged. "Glad I could be of service Olympic." She replied.

Before we could say more however, Adriatic came up. She looked like she was trying hard not to cry. "What's the matter Adriatic?" I asked. Adriatic bowed her head, unable to speak. "Adriatic?" I asked again, this time more softly.

Her captain interjected. He looked like he'd been crying himself. "Lord Pirrie's dead." He said. My eyes widened, and then as the truth set in, I bowed my head. "How?" I asked, my voice no more than a whisper. "Prostate Cancer." He replied. Baltic gave a low moan of grief and I rubbed her side. She pressed against me in response.

"I'll never forget him." I whispered. "Neither will I." Baltic murmured. "Nor I." Adriatic agreed, her voice breaking. "That just leaves one problem though." Captain Howarth said. "And what is that?" I asked thickly. "Pirrie died in Panama and someone has to carry his body back to England." He said.

The Olympian Sisters #3 The Gilded AgeWhere stories live. Discover now