Chapter 15-Don't talk to me

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Aelia's POV

I was getting so bored and Alex wasn't helping,even though I don't obviously love him anymore atleast can't he be fun enough to make me smile? Ugh. Why hasn't Dana come yet? I rolled my eyes and put my hands in my hair. It's been just thirty minutes and I'm already tired. That alcohol really dealt with my body. When I groaned,I didn't know it was loud and Alex was staring at me.

"Hey babe, what's wrong" I widened my eyes when few of my mates were staring at me. I shook my head. "I'm fine" He sighed exasperatedly. "Why do you always tell me you're fine when you're clearly not,one,you came to school later than usual" I rolled my eyes. Okay? "Second, you're unusually quiet and third you're frustrated about something it obvious cause your brows at knitted and there's sweat on your forehead" He leaned closer and wiped my forehead with a small white towel.

I forced a smile. "Okay, I'm just tired,I drank last night and it's disturbing" I sighed and placed my elbow on the desk.
"You drank too much then cause the amount you usually take doesn't bother you,right?" I nodded. The teacher wrote an assignment and dismissed the class. Alex then faced me fully and placed a kiss on my lips. I felt some time of way. His kiss didn't feel as nice as it used to,now it's felt normal like an ordinary...friendship....kiss. I smiled wearily as he pulled me to his chest. I lay my head on his shoulder,cause I felt weak and really tired. Few seconds later,I saw Dana in front of I and Alex,with her fists balled. "Can we talk?" Her eyes shot daggers at Alex.

"No you can't talk with her right now, she's obviously tired-"
"I wasn't referring to you" She spat at Alex and then looked at me with cold eyes. I bit my lip and sat up. I walked out of the class and I heard Dana's deep breathing behind me. She grabbed my wrists once we were out of the class and dragged me to the girls locker room. She locked the door,marched towards me and grabbed my waist roughly. My eyes were widened in shock.
"Dana what are you doing?! Leave me alone!" She cocked her brow.

"Leave you alone? So you don't like me at all,you still want to be with that dick" I crossed my arms.
"You left for school without me" I mumbled and looked away. She brought her face closer to mine and I felt my heart beating faster. I tried to look away but she forced me to look at her. "Leave me alone" I frowned and she actually did. I didn't actually want her to. I stared at her up and down. She put her hands in her pocket and stared back at me. "You really want me to leave you,I would. I can't force you" She shrugged. "And besides,you were really drunk last night and I didn't want to wake you up that early"

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. She dropped her hands from her pocket and spread her arms out. I sniffed a little and walked slowly towards her. She pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair gently. "I'm sorry okay?" She whispered and kissed my head. I nodded. "I'm sorry too" I looked up to her. "Did you see all that? In class?" She nodded slowly. "I promise it wouldn't happen again"

She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my lips over and over again.

Boring chapter, I know I'm sorry. 😭😭
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