Chapter 8-Loving you

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Dana's POV

When I saw her this morning,she looked hella hot. I had to look away or she would get disgusted by me again. I was drunk last night,I don't even know what I said to her but I remember saying things.

I left for school without her and my conscience was pricking me so badly,I wanted to run back to the dorm and get her. She's in school now. I couldn't look away this time. The girls talking to me were laughing with themselves.
Aelia had on a blue crop top and a black tight flay pleated skirt. It hugged her waist so perfectly and the top exposed her stomach area,I was so dazed at her looks. I found myself drooling and quickly shut my mouth. The girls made me focus on them again and one of them actually said something funny,which made me laugh.

My eyes moved towards Aelia again,she was walking to her desk with her head down when she looked up and our eyes met. I didn't look away. She was staring at me and I was staring at her. But then her stupid boyfriend,Alex blocked her from my view and took her away. I balled my fists and cursed under my breath.
"Are you okay Dana?" Tiana asked. I bit my lip and nodded. I caught Jolly staring at me and I looked away as she blushed.
"I just need to think okay? I'll talk to you girls later" They both nodded and walked back to their seats. I put my hands over my face and took deep breaths. I'm I loving her? Do I like Aelia? I can't even say.
I put my hand under my chin and watched how sad and worried Aelia looked as she spoke with Alex.

"This is insane" Foxy's tiny voice rang in my ears. I rolled my eyes and groaned silently.
"Oh,hi Dana" She waved at me and kept typing away on her phone. Then she smiled at it. "Perfect,just the perfect dress" She squealed in delight and showed me a light yellow flowing gown. "What's it for?"
"I'm going for a ball in two weeks Dana, isn't it amazing?" I sighed deeply.
"Yeah, I'm sure it is" The smile left her face.
"What's up with you today" She sat next to me and placed her hand on my arm. I glanced at her hand and then at Aelia. I slowly took her hand off me. "Nothing"
"Of course it's something, don't lie,you wouldn't take my hand off you-"
"Just leave me alone Foxy, I'm need to think okay?!" I almost yelled. Her blue eyes widened and she pouted. "Okay,sure" 

I kinda felt bad for that,she was just caring.
I grabbed her wrist and she turned to look at me. "I'm sorry" She was staring at me with a smile. Then before I could continue,she leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips. My eyes widened in shock. She winked at me and sashayed away,making a tiny sound with her heels. I slowly turned to see if Aelia was looking.
And boy,I was so right. Her beautiful eyes were boring holes in mine. It was like she was asking me a question like. 'Why would you' She blinked once and looked away. In a few seconds,I watched her hurriedly walk out of the class with her hands over her face.

😢😢❤️❤️😞 Why does Aelia see everything? Why?!?! Please don't forget to leave a vote! 🌟🌟

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