Chapter 12-Choosing You

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Aelia's POV

When I kissed her cheek,I was wowed at how soft and warm they felt. She was staring at me and I was trying hard not to blush. I was nervous right now because...well,I just found out I like her so much...yes,a girl. She's the most sweetest thing that's ever happened to me and I'm fucking proud to say it.

As she stared at me with a slight smile,I smiled back. I felt the urge to kiss her, I badly wanted to feel how warm her lips were. I wanted to feel those arms around me over and over again. I stepped forward and her eyes widened slightly. My heart was racing,I was so nervous. I was going to kiss her and I have to be strong. You can do this Aelia. I assured myself and while she kept staring from my eyes to my lips, I stood on tiptoe and placed a deep kiss on her lips. I felt sparks down my arms and my spine,I heard a gasp escape her throat and I wondered if she felt that too.

I stood back on my heels and looked down at the purse in my hands. Before I could look back at her to see her reaction. She wrapped her hand around my waist and pulled me roughly against her chest. Her cheeks were slightly pink. She's blushing. I smiled at how cute she is. The setting sun kissed her beautiful brown skin.
"You kissed me...Aelia?" Her soft voice filled my ears. I couldn't resist blushing so hard.
I actually just kissed her. I nodded and she smiled and licked her lips. "Does that mean you like me?" I felt her thumb rub circles around my bare back. I felt goosebumps.
"Yes Dana,I think I'm starting to like you...a lot" I confessed. Her eyes widened and she laughed.

I just blushed so much it was embarrassing.
Her angelic laughter reduced to a small smile as she leaned down. Her breath hit my face that's how close we were. My hands were on her chest so I could feel how fast her heart was beating. Her pupils were dilated and it shows how much someone is in love with a person. I blushed as she tilted my head with a finger. She touched the tip of my nose with hers and shut her eyes,I felt I should shut mine too so I did. When I reopened them,she was staring in my eyes. She shut her eyes again and grazed her lips against mine. Ughhhh,just kiss me already.
I was loosing my mind.

The crazy part was that she pulled away and walked round to the driver's seat.
"Now let's go honey, it's almost seven" She winked and I frowned.
"What was that?!" I got into the car after her and buckled my seatbelt.
"What was what?" I was about to speak when she stepped on the gas pedal so hard,the car jerked forward. Then she stopped abruptly.
"Dana?! You know I wanted you to kis-" Before I could finish,she pulled my face to hers and connected our lips. She kissed my lips so delicately and I felt sparks up my arm and goosebumps made me shiver.

She let go of my lips and pecked it again.
"There,happy?" I tucked my hair behind my ear as she adjusted the rose on my hair.
She chuckled and stroked my cheek then she let out three words that made me feel like the most amazing person on earth.

"I love you Aelia Meyers"

Ugh! Finally right? You can't imagine the joy in Dana's heart. Let's see in her POV,the next chapter. ❤️❤️ Vote! 🌟🌟

A. L. L.  Y. O. UWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt