"You've gotten taller."


He snorted. "No."

And then he closed the door behind us and I scoffed, walking further into his house, surprised I hadn't been here before, my bags being rolled in by either one of my hands.

I've never stayed with Ambrose before since he'd only moved here around two years ago and i've been too busy with university to visit, so instead he came over to London, the same as always.

"You're freaking loaded Jes." I mumbled out with a shake of my head and he snorted, tapping my head once again as he passed by me, walking over to the kitchen attached to the living room, all of it way too big to be considered averagely sized.

"Im not that rich."

"Thats exactly what some rich person would say." I replied as I looked over to the kitchen and away from the flat screen that was bigger than I was.

Just to see that he wasn't there.




I blinked.

"Are you in the fridge?"

"Its a walk in cold room."

No. Fucking. Way!

I practically ran around the kitchen counter and around a corner just to get to the black wooden doors of the walk in fridge room, my jaw dropped at how it was probably considered a room itself.

"This is a chefs dream." I murmured out absentmindedly as I walked in, taking in all the food items. It was more like a damn wet dream but I wouldn't say that in front of my brother.

He chuckled lightly at my obvious admiration for something as simple as food and a walk in refrigerator which probably wasn't as big of a deal to him as it was to me.

"Im bloody pissed that you didn't tell me you had this sooner? I would've left London in a second." I emphasized just how quick with a click of my fingers and he chuckled again before mocking me by saying, "Bloody pissed." As a tease of my British accent.

I just rolled my eyes and took myself out the room with a small grin still evident on my face.

"I didn't want to have to bribe my sister to live with me Calliope."

"You should've." I sang as I walked over to my bags once again before turning back to look at him shake his head at me. "Wheres my room?"

He rose a brow. "I'll tell you where after you tell me why exactly you decided to move countries?"

"I missed you?"

He scoffed, folding his arms over his chest, very unconvinced and very ready to hear my explanation. "I doubt thats the reason."

With a heavy sigh I knew he wouldn't let this go and moved away from my bags and to one of the probably overpriced bar stools, setting myself down on one before I began the explanation.

In any case, I owed him for not questioning me when i'd asked at first.

All i'd said days ago was that I needed to leave England, not wanted, needed, and not because of England itself, I actually really liked it there it, I had my best friend and a part of my family being my uncle.

So I was fine.

It was my home for the longest time and truthfully it felt weird being in some place much warmer like Miami, but in any case, now I was here and I think an explanation was a reasonable thing to give to him.

"My boyfriend cheated on me."

He scoffed, looking like he wanted to glare but not at me specifically. "Seriously? He was an asshole anyway though, what was it again? Mitchel?"

"Michael." I reminded him and he shrugged. "Same difference Dylan."

I rolled my eyes but continued, "And his been- well weird, like obsessive and shit, I just needed a change of scenery."

"So you don't plan on living here permanently?"

He wasn't saying it like I was a burden, he just sounded genuinely curious.

I nibbled on my bottom lip, not quite knowing what to say actually, this was something I hadn't thought about back in London because hell, I wasn't even here in Miami yet, why would I think about leaving when I hadn't even gotten here?

"Maybe I am? Im not too sure yet."

He nodded slowly, as if he'd understood but was still processing it which I was grateful for.

I clapped my hands together, bringing it to my lap as I turned on the bar stool.

"So, my bedroom?"

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