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Misako's POV :

The ninja just got back from the Never Realm. I was so happy to see them back in good condition. Months after, they continued training, mostly because they didn't want to be scolded by Wu again. But they still like to be lazy and play video games sometimes. But...

Whenever they were training or playing video games, I noticed the look on Lloyd's face. He has had the same expression for a while. I tried asking him, but he just stayed quiet. I started to get worried and tried to ask his friends, but they also had no idea. They thought Lloyd was just tired.

"Mom." My son called which got me out of my thoughts.

"What is it,Lloyd?" I asked.

"Is it ok if I use your phone again?I want to call dad." He asked.

He would also come to me to use my phone to call Garmadon.

"Why don't you use your phone?" I asked.

"He won't answer if he knows it was me who called." He answered.

"Alright." I said and give him my phone.

"Just call him here,I'd like to talk to him to." I said.

"Ok." He said and sat down beside me.

Then he started dialing Garmadon's number, then my phone rang.

"I hope he'll answer this time." He said and I pulled him gently and let him rest his head on my shoulder.

And then,..

"Misako?" Garmadon's voice was heard from my phone.

"Dad,where are you?" Lloyd asked.

"What do you want now?!" Garmadon asked with..a not so happy tone.

"I need you,dad.Where are you?When will you be home?" Lloyd asked.

"Leave me alone,you little brat!!" Garmadon shouted and I could tell that Lloyd was about to cry.

"Garmadon,how could you say that?!Lloyd is-" I started speaking but was cut off by...

"Emperor Garmadon,is everything ok?" Another voice asked.

"That...voice...Dad,are you with Harumi?!" Lloyd asked.

"Well she is my daughter!" Garmadon answered.

"But she's not even your biological child!I am!!" Lloyd cried.

"For the last time,I have no son!!" Garmadon shouted.

"Garmadon!!" I shouted.

"But-" Lloyd started but Garmadon just hung up.

Lloyd slammed my phone to my bed and ran away.

"Lloyd!" I called but he just kept running. 

I looked from my door and saw that he ran to his room. I sighed and started to get even more worried. I wanted to go to my son and comfort him but I thought that he needed some space. So I just stayed in my bed.

Wu came in and asked, "Is everything ok?I saw Lloyd running to his room and slammed his door."

"No.He tried to call Garmadon again." I answered.

"Did he not answer again?" Wu asked.

"He answered this time but,...he still...just....still not like the Garmadon we once known." I answered.

"I am worried.This has been going on for months now and it seems that...nothing has changed.The same has been going on for a long time." Wu said.

"We have to do something.We have been staying quiet for too long and if we just let this things continue,...what's gonna happen?What's gonna happen to my son?He has been trying for months and all he's been getting is hurt!And worst of all it was from his own father!" I said and started stressing out.

"He will be alright.He just needs some time.Tomorrow,I doubt he will even try this again." Wu said.

The next day.

"I want to try and call dad again." Lloyd said.

I looked at Wu.

"You were saying?" I asked with not a good feeling.

Wu sighed and turned to Lloyd.

"Lloyd,we need to talk." Wu said.

"What is it?" Lloyd asked.

"Uhh,don't you think it's time that you stop?You have been trying for months and it has not work." Wu asked.

"Well,today might be different." Lloyd said.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"He's my dad,right?" He pointed out.

Wu and I stayed quiet. But then Lloyd took out his hand to me, asking for my phone.

"Please,mom?" He asked.

I just looked at him and sighed.

"Why don't you just go and hang out with your friends?Rather than trying to do the same thing over and over again." I said.

"I just want to be with dad,even in phone calls." He answered.

"Let's...just go train." Wu suggested.

"We just finished training." Lloyd reminded.

"What about playing video games?" I asked.

"I want to spend time with dad." Lloyd said.

"Lloyd,you know that he will just either decline the call or...do the same thing as yesterday." Wu said.

"I don't want to think that.He's my dad and I know he loves me!I know he still sees me as his son,he is just too blind!" Lloyd said.

I hesitated for a minute but then decided to give it one last chance.

"Alright,but this is the last time.If it doesn't work out,no more calling him." I said.

"Deal." Lloyd said and I gave him my phone.

Then he dialed Garmadon's number and I could hear Garmadon's voice.

"What now?!" He asked in annoyance.

"Hi,dad.I-" Lloyd started talking but Garmadon cut him off.

"Don't call me that,I am not your father!" Garmadon shouted and Wu and I shared the same look.

"Yes,you are!When will you be home?!I miss you!I want to spend time with you,like we used to!" Lloyd cried.

"I'm busy with my daughter!" Garmadon said.

"I don't remember having a sister." Lloyd said.

"You don't.Because YOU ARE NOT MY SON!!" Garmadon yelled and hung up again.

And just what Wu and I were aware of, Lloyd started crying again.

"Just stop trying to call him,Lloyd.It isn't worth it." Wu said.

"I guess you're right." Lloyd said as he wiped his tears.

He gave me the phone and wiped even more tears. And,...like not what Wu and I would have thought,..

"I wish I was never related to that monster." Lloyd said and Wu and I were in shock.

Then Lloyd left the room and slammed the door.

Wu and I looked at each other in worries, we feared that...Lloyd's hatred is forming in his heart.

"Did my ears deceive me?" I asked, not really wanting to believe what I just heard Lloyd said.

"I'm afraid not.Because I also heard it." Wu answered and looked down.

"Why,Garmadon?Why would you do this?" 

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