I Do

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This is pure angst from top to bottom. Please let me know what you think.

"Camila, the invitations went out last week," Her wedding planner and sister Sofia blabbed through the phone in a business like manner. "So you should be receiving your RSVP's very soon. I'll make sure every single person sends theirs, even if I have to hunt them down one by one."

"Thank you Sof, I appreciate it," Camila sighed. Even with the help of her sister, she still felt so stressed about the wedding. "Have you...?"

"You don't have to ask me anything Mila, Sofia Cabello has everything under control and you know it. Lexie is dealing with the flowers and Marie is dealing with the food," She rattled off the names of Camila's friends who were helping them out rather quickly. "Now I've got to go to the bridesmaids' fitting, I have to be there in an hour," She said hurriedly. "I am just so glad you made us choose our own style for the dress Camila," She added in a kind voice.

"That's the least I could do for my best friends, and can you tell the shop assistant I have requested Cherry Blossom pink dresses, not Baker miller pink? My decorations won't match with Baker Miller pink," Camila groaned; Sofia laughed, wondering if she had been that difficult with her own wedding.

"I will. Now keep your hair on and try to relax. These are the last few days before you become someone's wife, you are supposed to enjoy all of this," Sofia laughed through the phone.

"I don't remember you being relaxed," Camila muttered bitterly as she looked at the enormous rock on her finger, glistening in the bright light of the hot afternoon sun.

"I still can't believe you're keeping your own name though," Sofia whispered through the phone ominously, "Does his family know, what do they think about it?"

"They have nothing to say on the matter Sof. Camila Caddel just doesn't sound all that great."

"You agreed to be his wife, it's all part of it," Sofia said, informatively.

"I always thought it would have been you keeping your own name," Camila replied.

"Camila, you know as well as I do that I have dreamt about being Mrs. Rodrigo since we were younger. I still remember us doodling our names at home, Mrs. Sofia Rodrigo and Mrs. Camila Me..." But Sofia suddenly stopped and could hear a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line as she realized what she had almost said.

"I'm so sorry," Sofia said quietly after listening to Camila trying to steady her breathing.

"It's okay Sofia. It's been years since I've seen him anyway. It's in the past," Camila said in a higher voice than usual; she was trying to sound chipper and bright, but Sofia could hear the lies in her words.

"He was going to propose Camila..." She trailed off in a whisper, scared that even though they were currently miles apart, Camila would still rip her head off for even mentioning it. They had only talked about it once before and it had left Camila broken for weeks.

Shawn had appeared on Sofia's and her husband, Carlos, doorstep in Washington. He looked tired and rugged, a scruffy beard growing on his chin and his skin much darker than when they had last seen him. His hair longer. He had his backpack with him still, as he just returned from Europe, Sofia knowing that that's where Shawn had went after he and Camila broke up. Sofia didn't know the details, but she knew that the breakup was bad. Camila never wanted to talk about it.

"Could you give her this?" Shawn had asked Sofia, dropping a beautiful, elegant, princess cut diamond ring which screamed Camila into her hand. "Tell her she can do whatever she wants with it, sell it, give it away. I don't care. I can't look at it anymore. I don't want to have anything to do with it, with her." He added, and Sofia felt her heart breaking for her friend and sister. Never did she think it would have been Shawn and Camila that would be dealing with the messiest breakup she had ever had the displeasure of witnessing.

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