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Dream POV:
I have been so proud of George this last week. We have been working on his exercises to get him better with his PTSD and he can now go up to an hour without me being by his side.

He has also been getting out of bed more often and going on walks in the morning hours. Of course i can't go with him seeing as i can't leave the place i died, a stupid ghost thing i suppose.

George had just gotten back from one of his walks and i immediately hugged him and kissed his cheek, i didn't get any attention this morning i woke up too late.

"Dream? I was only gone for an hour?" He asked, hugging me back.

I didn't reply and just started to kiss up and down his neck, looking for his sweet spot. When i found it he let out a soft noise and his knees slightly buckled, making him grip tighter on my hoodie.


"Dream-" he whispered, gripping tighter to my hoodie.

I smirked against his porcelain skin, wanting to do more than just kisses. I bite down on his Sweet Spot causing him to let out a loud moan.

I have heard these sounds before, but my lust was pushing me to do more. I pick him up under his thighs and carry him up the steps effortlessly. I placed him down oh so gently on the bed, i want to go gentle for today, he deserves that.

-time skip- (i want to write aftercare, leave me be)

We were both panting lightly when we both laid down. George sighed before curling up against my side, i chuckled and lifted him out of the warm blankets while he whined in protest.

"We gotta wash up and change the sheets, love," i hummed, he huffed and nodded.

I walk us into the bathroom and i set him down on the counter where he hissed in pain. I apologized and kissed his cheek, he just stared at me tiredly.

I got the bath running and when it was filled enough with the warm water, i grabbed the brit off the counter and slipped us into the bath.

He leaned against my chest, too tired to hold himself up, as i gently washed his hair and body.

I moved my hands gently across his body, i didn't want to hurt him, i may have been gentle, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

"Dream?" George suddenly asked.

"Yes love?" I answered looking down at him.

"Thank you," he murmured.

"For what love?" I asked cocking a brow.

"For, that and showing that you love me," George murmured.

"Of course i love you, i love so so much," i whispered, hugging him closer.

"Can we get out now? I'm tired!" George whined.

"Yeah, one second," i chuckled.

I drained the tub and lifted him out. I wrapped him up in a towel before i wrapped one around my waist. I picked him up again and took us back into the bedroom.

I grabbed one of the hoodies George bought for me and slipped over his slim frame, i helped him put on his boxers seeing as he was sore and couldn't really do it on his own. I grabbed a pair of boxers and sweats for me and i quickly changed the sheets, taking the old ones to the laundry room.

I went back up to me and George's room to see him asleep on the floor. I giggled and picked him up off the floor, his body heat caused warmth to flow through my body, something i will never get used to.

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