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No one POV:
It had been a month since the incident and George's mental state was spiraling, he didn't want to be without Dream in fear that his father would comeback and try to kill him.

Dream was unsure how to help George and was on the hunch that the brunette had PTSD from the incident. Of course, Dream didn't mind that George was being clingy, honestly he found it adorable, but he wasn't sure if it was the best for the brit's mental health.

Dream POV:
I was standing in the kitchen cooking for George, this was a risky task, seeing as George barely left the bed and when i'm not near, he gets panicky and scared.

His paranoia of his father coming back is really getting to me. I hated the fact that George was waking up everyday scared that he would come back and try and force himself on him or kill him.

I had just put George's eggs on a plate when i heard him call for me, i sighed and quickly made my way back up the stairs as George's cries for me got more panicked and scared.

I got into the bedroom and set down his food on the nightstand before hugging him close and hushing him gently. He calmed down and smiled at me lightly.

"Sorry, i just got scared," George mumbled.

"I know, we're gonna work on that today okay?" I asked, i had an idea that may work.

"Can we do that in a bit? I wanna cuddle," George pouted, i was about to say no but then he gave me the look.

No Dream, don't let him do that, say no, you can do it. SAY NO!

"Sure love, eat your food first," i murmured. Dumbass.

After George finished his eggs and toast, we cuddled for most of the afternoon, George was on top of me, basically using me as a body pillow as my arms were wrapped gently around his waist.

"George, we should try your exercises now, hun," I whispered.

"Okay," he mumbled.

Alright, hop up," i said, tapping his side lightly.

He got off of me and sat up on the bed. I got up and smiled at him gently before giving him a small hug of support.

"Now, George, i'm going to go right outside the room, i will be right there okay? If you get scared try to breathe and press the necklace to your chest if you need to," i explained.

He nodded and i slowly left the room, giving him a reassuring smile before closing the door. I sighed, honestly i'm surprised the brit agreed to this. I ran my hand through my hair and i didn't hear anything for a while.

I re-entered the room and smiled as he looked up and smiled back.

"You did good George, i'm proud of you," i said, hugging him.

"That doesn't mean i wasn't scared," George muttered, leaning into the hug.

"I know baby,  you'll be better soon," i praised.

He mumbled something incoherent and just buried his head into my chest. I smiled and rubbed his back gently. He hummed and snuggled slightly closer. I kissed his head and smiled.

George POV:
For some reason, i feel so safe in his arms though i've only known him a month and a half, he has saved my life more times then i can count, i want to repay him but i'm not sure how.

"Dream?" I asked.

"Hmm? Yes hun?" He responded.

"How can i repay you?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers.

"What do you mean Georgie?" Dream asked.

"Well, you do a lot for me, and you have saved my life three times, there has to be something i can do for you?" I asked. I felt his chest vibrate with a deep chuckle.

"You are already doing something for me hun," he said, nuzzling my cheek. "Your love and affection is all i need."

"Yeah but i want to do something for you," I mumbled.

"Well, since your mind is set it, i'll be sure to think of something okay hun?" He murmured.

"When you think of it, promise to tell me?" I asked, holding up my pinky.

"I promise," he said, interlocking our pinkies together and kissing them, where they locked together.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, he responded by chuckling and kissing my forehead. I giggled and leaned back into his chest, humming softly.

"You're so cute baby," Dream said hugging me tightly.

"Stoop i can't breathe," i whined.

"But i love you," Dream murmured.

"I love you too but you're gonna kill me if you don't let me breathe," i laughed.

"Alright, alright," Dream said, laughing slightly.

There was another comfortable silence after Dream loosened his grip on me. I'm sure he was thinking about something, but i was too lazy to ask him what was on his mind, knowing him, he'll ask it first. I was right.

"Hey George?" He asked.

"Yes Dream?" I hummed.

"Why didn't you, y'know, freak out when we did it?" Dream asked, i faced him, raising a brow.

"Okay, when your father tried to do that why didn't you tell me to stop when we did it?" He elaborated, i nodded.

"You were gentle, you were showing me love, and you showed that you weren't in it for my body. He did it because he was drunk, and was only in it for my body, you didn't do that," i explained, he nodded in understanding.

"Also you're really sweet with the aftercare," i shrugged, he let out a light chuckle.

"You were only in it for the aftercare? Wow, and i thought you loved me," Dream pouted.

"No! No! I do love you i'm sorry!" I exclaimed.

"I was kidding hun," Dream laughed.

"Damn you and your believable voice!" I laughed.

We did that for hours, talking, joking, flirting from time to time, ot was really relaxing for the both of us, we really needed something like this, an escape, something for us to calm down to.

Something we both can smile to.

Wc: 1022

Song suggestion: Little Game (i'm not sure who the artist is)

Haha motivation go brr by lovelies ❤❤❤❤

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