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George POV:
I woke up that morning feeling better, i got up from my laying position and was surprised to not see the dirty blonde in the bed next to me. I shrugged and went downstairs. My dad wasn't there, he had like a job interview or something.

I started humming in the kitchen, i felt someone put their hands on my waist and i turned my head to see the dirty blonde- my dirty blonde, wrapping his arms around my lower torso.

"Join me, my love?" Dream whispered. I smiled and nodded.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me to face him. I giggled and i interlocked my fingers around his neck. He swayed us around the kitchen smiling brightly. While i was still humming though it was louder then when i was first in the kitchen.

When i finished the song we just stayed in one spot, Dream swaying us gently from side to side. We were both smiling ear to ear and Dream brought us into a passionate kiss. It was soft and gentle, we were both still smiling when we pulled away.

I made my breakfast and ate it and went back upstairs, i went to my desk and grabbed a pencil, i decided to stream and allow people to vote on what Instagram sensation they want me to draw as a dragon and send it to them.

Though my chat didn't want to do the people i put on the poll, instead they wanted to do Addison Rae or other Tiktokers that i had absolutely no interest in.

"Fine chat i'll do Addison, that's the name i see the most," i said.

I really didn't want to draw Addison but i did it for the chat, i pulled up a reference photo and started drawing the position i wanted the dragon to be in.

Time skip:
I had been at my desk for about an hour and a half, i could not get this right and honestly it was annoying me, i sighed, frustrated when i felt someone rubbing my shoulders. Almost instantly i felt relaxed, it felt good, so so good, i loved every moment of it.

"You're stressed George," Dream said. "Get some rest baby."

"I can't Dream, let me finish the stream," i murmured.

"Well, don't cause too much stress on yourself," Dream said.

I continued to draw while Dream massaged my back and shoulders. I couldn't say i hated it, because i fucking love every second of it.

I finally finished the drawing and sent it to Addison over Instagram, she, of course said back 'what is this? Is this me? Do better next time.'

"Like there's ever gonna be a next time, fucking bitch," i hissed.

"Calm down baby," Dream said. "Come lay down."

"Let me finish the stream first," i said.

Chat at this point is going crazy saying 'George who are you talking to?' 'Why did you call Addison a bitch?' 'You can get cancelled for that! I'm reporting you!'

I ignored them and read a couple of last minute donations and said my byes to the chat and ended the stream, i laid down in the bed and Dream picked me up and laid me on my stomach.

"Dream what're you-" i cut myself off as he began rubbing my back again.

I sighed contently, his gentle hands gliding across my back perfectly.

"That feel good baby?" He asked close to my ear.

"Mhmmm," i hummed.

This continued for the next twenty minutes before Dream told me to get up and get some food.

Another time skip:
It was now about ten thirty at night, me and Dream were cuddling, he had been laying on his back and i was curled up at his side, using his bare chest as a pillow. (Yes he is shirtless and he took a pair of sweat pants from George)

All of a sudden there was banging on the wall, i thought nothing of it since my dad did stupid shit when he was drunk. But the banging continued for the next few minutes leaving both me and Dream confused.

That was when i heard angry footsteps coming up the stairs damn it, what did i do now? I thought as my dad once again burst through the bedroom door.

"CUT IT OUT YOU FUCKING-" Once he saw that me and Dream were cuddling he looked even angrier.

Tw: offensive language

"Please.... Just leave," i whimpered.


My father continued screaming at us but i couldn't be bothered anymore. What was the damn point? His words were true and i knew it, it stull hurt to hear it though.

Once my father finally left because his voice had given out Dream had started reassuring me.

"None of the things he said are true baby," Dream said.

"Yes they are and you know it," i hissed.

"What? George, no they aren't!" Dream argued.

I got up from my position on the bed and glared at  him, he sat up and returned the look with slight irritation.

"Yes they are! Don't lie to me!" I snapped.

"George i wouldn't lie to you, you know that!" Dream said, gritting his teeth slightly.

"Yeah? But you keep things from me, you don't tell me a thing i need to know! You only tell me the things i want to hear!" I hissed getting up near his face.

"There are somethings you are better off no knowing," Dream scoffed.

"Look, it's obvious we're both pissed, so why don't we take some time apart yeah?" Dream said.


Dream clicked his tongue before walking back over to the corner and disappearing. Next thing i knew i let out a stressed sob, i hated how everything was going, i was supposed to buy this house for me.

This is just what dad was talking about, my own boyfriend hates me because i can't seem to do anything right.

I stopped crying and felt emotionless. I left the room and went to the bathroom.

i opened a drawer and grabbed the few razors i had. I rolled up my sleeve and brought it up to my wrist, i pressed the blade down on my pale skin and watched as the blood trickled down my arm.

I cut into my arm a bit deeper then i intended, i was about to cut again when a cold hand ripped it away.

"GEORGE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Dream exclaimed throwing the razor away and bringing a towel to my arm.

That's when i realized what i had done, i had cut myself, my eyes went wide, how did i not realize how stupid i was being, what the fuck is wrong with me?

"D-Dream i'm so-sorry i-i," i choked out a sob Dream hushed me gently.

"Don't ever do this again, i am so sorry," Dream whispered, holding me closer on the bathroom floor.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry I'm sorry i'm sorry," i kept repeating over and over.

"George stop, it's okay, just don't do it again, you really scared me," Dream said.

I kept crying as Dream pressed the towel to my wrist. Soon the bleeding stopped and i ran out of tears and Dream picked me up and took us to our room. He set me down on the bed and kissed my head before laying next to me, i snuggled into his chest and murmured one more 'i'm sorry before drifting to sleep.

Wc: 1280

A heavy chapter, sorry lovelies

Lol i posted this on the bus

Just A House?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon