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Dream POV:
I paced back and forth in George's room as he slept on the bed, he had been unconscious for five hours and i was able to convince his mom not to take him to the hospital. I know it's selfish but i don't want him to leave, i need to know if he's okay.

I sat down on the bed and looked at him sleeping peacefully, though he had a lot of bruises on his face, proving that he in fact wasn't fine. I caressed his hair as tears came to my eyes.

"Please wake up my baby boy," i whispered, it came out more like a whimper.

"I'll say, i've never seen you this beaten up about a living human," a monotone voice murmured.

"Please, i don't have the energy to push you away Techno, please i'm begging you, don't hurt him," i said turning away from George.

"Eh, it's less satisfying to attack someone this way anyway, i might attack his father," Techno said shrugging his shoulders.

"Why do you even hurt people, innocent people that probably have done nothing wrong!" I snapped. Techno looked unfazed.

"They caused me pain too y'know,"  Techno said.

"Yes but that doesn't mean that you can attack innocent people, like George and his sister," i hissed. Techno just glared at me before disappearing. I clicked my tongue and turned back to George.

"Damn it, if i could wake you up baby i would but i can't, and i'm so sorry that i can't," i whispered hiding my face in my hands.

I started to quietly sob in my hands, they started off quiet but soon turned into louder ones that filled the room.

"Dream? Babe why are you crying?" A voice asked. I lifted my head out of my hands and George was staring at me, his beautiful brown eyes gleaming with worry.

"GEORGE!" I cried, diving into his arms.

"Oh Dream," George whispered, holding me as i cried into his shoulder.

"Shhh, it's okay Dream," his gentle voice whispered.

"I-i was s-so scared," i whimpered. "Please d-don't ever leave m-me like that again."

"I promise," George murmured into my hair.

I curled up on his side as he held me close, so this is what he felt every time he had a breakdown, when i held him close this is what he felt. I calmed down and i only let out an occasional sob as George ran his fingers through my hair.

I felt myself begin to get drowsy, i tried so hard to stay awake, but my body betrayed me. I closed my eyes and my body relaxed, falling asleep in my lovers arms.

-time skip-
"Dream~" a gentle voice whispered. I groaned im response.

"It's time to get up Dreamy," George cooed.

"Nooo," i mumbled.

"Dream c'mon, get up i'm hungry," George whined.

"Ehh, fine! For you baby," i cooed.

I got up from my position to learn that i had uses his chest as a pillow and i chuckled, usually it was the other way around.

He got up from the bed and gave an audible gasp of pain, i was up in an instant, all tiredness fone from my body, i looked him over, helping in any way i could.

I helped him down the stairs and into the kitchen, i was going to ask if he was alright but he put a finger over my lips silencing me and he pointed to the couch. There i saw his father asleep on the couch, most likely passed out drunk as i saw whisky bottles near him.

I nodded and continued to help him make i assume a type of soup. As he was stirring the soup in the pot i gave him a hug from behind, squeezing his waist gently, putting my head on his shoulder. He smiled and gave my cheek a small kiss.

"What are you making hun?" I whispered in his ear.

"Potato soup," he whispered back. I chuckled, remembering when my mom used to make potato soup for me all of the time, it was my favorite.

"What are you laughing at?" He giggled quietly.

"I love potato soup, it was my favorite," i said.

"Was? What do you mean was?" He asked.

"I can't really eat, y'know, ghost thing?" I chuckled.

"Aw shit sorry!" He exclaimed a bit loudly and clapped a hand over his mouth as he heard his father groan.

I looked back and his father was now sitting up and glaring at me and George. He let out another angry gran before laying back down.

"Boy, give me the other bottle of booze in the freezer," he snapped.

George quickly walked over to the freezer and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the freezer and gave it to his father, i saw George get yanked down by his hair and his father whispered something to him making him whimper.

He ran back over to me and i hugged him tightly, pulling him close to my chest.

"What did he tell you?" I asked gently.

"I can't tell you, if i did he'd hurt me," George whimpered quietly.

"He won't hurt you, i promised.

"Yes he will," George whispered into my chest.

We continued making his soup, when it was done i gave him a bowl i got down for him because his father put them on the top shelf so he couldn't reach them. He put some of the soup in his bowl and quickly ate it, not to wake his father.

He went over to the pot, it was empty but the remains of the soup remained on the sides and bottom of the pot. He cleaned it and dragged me back up to his room. Where he held onto me tightly.

"What did he say to you?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair.

"He, he called me something," George said sadly.

"What did her call you baby?" I asked.


"He- he called me a f-fag, a-and how that i should go to hell," George whispered sadly.

"He's just a homophobic piece of shit, don't listen to him baby boy, show him that his words mean nothing," i encouraged gently.

"It still hurts," George said looking me in the eyes. It really broke my heart when i saw him in tears, i caressed his cheek. (Only a certain hand has the power to help people sleep lol)

"I know baby, just don't show that it hurts," i whispered.

"Can i please go to sleep?" George asked. I let out a soft chuckle.

"Of course my baby boy," i said smiling.

"Stop it with the nicknames!" George whined, laying down.

"Hehe, never," i laughed. I put my hand on his cheek and he murmured a quick goodnight.

I kissed his forehead lovingly before he fell completely asleep, i laid behind him pulling him into the spooning position, caressing his sides sweetly.

Wc: 1165

Song suggestion: Welcome To The Internet, Bo Burnham

Another day, another chapter done, sorry for leaving on a cliffhanger for so long i visited my cousins lol see ya lovelies ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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