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George POV:
For the rest of the day and most of the night, me and Dream were just talking, getting to know our favorite song food color etc. I have learned that Dream's favorite color is green, his favorite food is pancakes and his favorite season is spring.

"Can you speak another language? Like Spanish?" I asked. Dream laughed a little.

"Si mi amor," Dream said (yes my love)

"Oohhhh Dream sabe español, tan caliente," i teased. (Oh Dream knows spanish, so hot)

"QUÉ?" Dream yelled, a blush spreading across his face.

"QUÉ?" (What)

"Por qué soñar tan nerviosa?" I continued to tease him in Spanish, wanting to see how far i could push him. (Why so nervous Dream?)

"sigue haciendo eso y no recibirás abrazos esta noche," Dream said sternly. (Keep doing that and you won't get cuddles tonight)

"ok ok lo siento!" George whined. (I'm sorry)

"lo que pensé," Dream muttered. (What i thought)

"So how do you know spanish?" Dream asked.

"Well, when me and my sister wanted to talk about something without our dad hearing we decided to learn a different language to speak in and we chose Spanish," i explained.

"My mom is also is pretty fluent in Spanish, that's how i came out to her, i told her in Spanish because it was the right time and my dad was near by." Dream nodded in understanding.

"So how do you know Spanish?" I asked, throwing the question right back at him.

"I had a friend who knew Spanish and i asked him to teach me, it took about six years to become fluent though," Dream said.

"Six?! It took me and my sister almost seven or eight!" I exclaimed.

"It sucks to suck then," Dream said.

"I have to admit tough, sometimes i curse in Spanish around my mom and she gets mad at me, i'm not sure why," i said. "Then again that happens when i curse around her in general.

Dream chuckled and changed the subject, i didn't mind it tough. After about another thirty minutes of talking Dream wanted me to go to sleep but i wasn't tired, thanks insomnia.

We just decided to cuddle because Dream wanted to save up some energy for sometime he may need it. He laid down and i did as well, i used his chest as a pillow and my arm wrapped around his upper torso, i had one leg on top of his right leg, resting some how comfortably on his knee (i hope that makes sense)

Dream had his fingers in my hair and i sighed contently. My room door opened gently and my mom walked in and waved to us.

"Hey guys, i just wanted to see how you were doing," Mom said.

"Mom, it's like 11:30 at night, you couldn't wait until morning?" I mumbled, cuddling closer to Dream.

"Well, i came here because i made a deal with your father, so did Dream," she said. I turned to look at her confused.

"What do you mean mom? What kind of deal?" I asked raising a brow.

"Well, your father gets to do whatever he wants to do to you for two hours," she said happily? No, surely Dream wouldn't let this happen.

I looked up at Dream and he nodded, saying that he did agree to this. What? Why didn't they talk to me about it? What is wrong with them!? Do they know what they have done?

That's when Dream gently pushed me off of him and went to the corner of the room where he first appeared to me and disappeared. I instantly felt alone, and unsafe with my mom alone, i wanted to call Dream back so bad, but there was a pressure on my chest that kept me from speaking.

I look up to see my father on my chest pinning me down, he reached down to the hem of my shirt and tugged at the rim of my pants. NO! STOP PLEASE DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN!

I woke up with a jolt, i was hyperventilating, this was the worst nightmare yet, i was crying now, i look down and i don't have the necklace around my neck anymore, it's still with Annie.

"George calm down," Dream said gently, wrapping his arms around me. "Breathe, George."


"Georgie, calm down, tell me what happened in your nightmare baby," Dream said worriedly.

He turned me around in his lap and i hid my head in his neck and punched his shoulder weakly. He flinched from my action but didn't mind it because it most likely didn't hurt.

All of a sudden a intense pain erupted through my chest and i let out a yell of pain.

"SHIT! TECHNO PLEASE NO!" I heard Dream scream.

I heard him mumbling something but i couldn't understand it, i think it was in another language. Dream put a hand on my chest where it hurt and the pain slowly ebbed away.

"What was that?" I asked weakly.

"That was Techno, it looks like he's gathered enough fear from you, he may need more after that. If that's the case then you need to be careful, no going to the basement whatsoever got it?" Dream said. I nodded, although i was curious on what was down there, but i didn't push it.

"Now what did Techno try and do?" I asked quietly.

"He was going to try and possess you, that causes intense pain, and it is very fatal to the human body, please don't go anywhere without me i don't want you to get hurt," Dream said. I even saw tears in his eyes, i've only ever seen him cry once, which was when i was asleep longer for two hours.

"Okay, i won't," i said hugging him against me tightly.

"I was so scared," Dream whispered sadly.

"It's okay, i'm okay," i said quietly into his hair.

We stayed like that for about an hour and a half, embracing each other as if we haven't held one another in years, gripping tightly, but gentle enough not to hurt the other.

When we finally pulled apart, Dream pressed a kiss to my forehead, he stayed there for a few moments before pulling back. I smiled at him and hr smiled back. One of those moments that neither one knows what's going to go wrong but we both know something will find a way to go wrong.

Wc: 1092

Song suggestion: Welcome to Wonderland by: (i cannot remember the artist at the moment)

Another good Chapter, incase you're wondering, yes i am taking Spanish

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