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Dream POV:
The brunette was still naked and asleep on my bare chest, all i could think about was last night, how his eyes rolled to the back of his head and how he- okay i'll stop there.

It still made me smirk on how the brit acted, basically begging for friction, i sighed, there is no way in hell i'm forgetting this night, ever.

George soon stirred and opened his eyes, once he remembered what happened and what he was laying on, he went to get up but he was stopped by a pain in his lower half and me pulling the covers over his exposed skin and hickeys.

"Ow, ow, ow," he whined, giving in and laying back down on my chest.

"Yeah i know, that's gonna hurt for a bit, it'll stop hurting soon babe," i reassured, rubbing my hands up and down his body that i loved oh so much.

He nodded and put his head back down on my chest. I chuckled and kissed his head.

"We're both still naked," George observed.

"Mhm," i hummed.

"Can you go get my clothes please?" George asked, knowing full well if he got up he would land on his face.

"Hmmm, no, you're cuter this way," i cooed.

"Dream please!" George slightly begged.

"Mm, give me a kiss and i'll consider it," i smirked.

George rolled his eyes and leaned in close. He connected our lips in a sweet kiss. I pressed against his lips that i am oh so addicted to, he's like a drug, that is deathly intoxicating, like a heroine that was free and only for me.

When he pulled away, i almost whined, wanting the feeling of his soft lips pressed gently against mine.

"Can you go get my clothes now?" George asked.

I grumbled and got out of the bed, i grabbed my lime green jacket and a pair of boxers for George, i walked back over to him and handed him the clothes, though i didn't get in bed with him just yet, leaving him confused.

I walked over to the nightstand, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and boxers fro myself and i grabbed the dagger necklace off the wooden table.

I got in the bed and after George got all of his clothes on i unclasped the necklace and clasped it around his neck. He flinched at the cold meatal hitting his porcelain skin.

He looked down and gasped, grabbing the charm in his hand.

"When did you get it back?" He asked. I chuckled.

"When you were asleep, your mom dropped it off after the whole.... Possession..... Thing," i murmured, my smile falling into a slight frown.

He looked at me with a sad look, he leaned over and hugged me tight, i still felt so bad that i wasn't there for him when he needed, i caused him pain! It was my fault, i should've been with him.

My breathing started to become irregular and George seemed to take notice, he pressed tightly against me, his hand traveling up to my hair.

"Shh, Dream, calm down, it's okay, focus on my voice okay? Breathe Dream," George whispered, he started running his fingers through my hair and slightly rubbing my scalp.

I leaned into his touch and started to clam down, he was still pressed tight to me and was still whispering reassurances in my ear, kissing my head every now and then.

"Go to sleep Dream," George whispered, i obliged as he laid down, i rested my head on his chest and hummed before my eyes fluttered shut. It wasn't long before i drifted to sleep.

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