Part Ten - A New Day!

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No more running. No more boys. No more getting bullied. And more importantly, no more lampposts.


I made a decision once and for all: I was going to leave everything behind. I couldn't stay in this tornado of problems for all of my years of living-- I have to turn away.
I won't let the popular girls bully me; I'll learn to stand up for myself. I won't run anymore; I'll face my problems. And I won't stick around with silly boys!

It had been two days since I ran away from Ashton, and things were already looking up. All of the boys-- Ashton, Blaze and Ethan-- were begging me to give them another chance. But I didn't fall for their pleas and  false promises. I was a strong, independent Y/n now. I wouldn't let anything stop me.


It was my first day at my new transfer school. I obviously got bullied right away, but I stood up for myself. Now, no one will make fun of me anymore!

I headed into my first class: Surviving a Future Zombie Apocalypse.

I took a seat at the front; a bold move I'd never make at my old school. I took out my notebook, which had sparkles devouring the cover. I doodled a little zombie on it while I waited for the bell to ring. When it did, the teacher stood up from his seat. He cleared his throat.

"My name is Professor Tartomgathoraegus, but you can call me Mr. T. If you get in trouble though, you'll have to say my name backwards. Which is, of course, Professor Sugearohtagmotrat. Today, I'll be teaching you about how to survive a zombie apocalypse. Why don't you take a minute to talk with your peers?"

Before I could turn to the seat next to mine, someone burst through the door. A boy carrying books and a few binders came staggering in, stammering nervously.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Mr... uhm... Mr. Tartomgathoraegus, right?"

"Incorrect!" He bellowed. "It's Tartomgathoraegus, not Tart -uhm- gathoraegus! And you will call me Mr. Sugearohtagmotrat from now on!"

He cleared his throat again, adjusting his purple tie.

"Now, why don't you take a seat next to Y/n?"

He gestured to me.

"Uh, s-s-sure." He replied, claiming the seat next to me. Once he got his things settled, he turned to me, giving me a wide grin.

"H-hey! My name's Bentley. It's n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nice to meet you, Y/n."

I smiled. 

"Nice to meet you too!"

He smiled again, before his face turned serious. Almost like he was going to ask a question-- which he did.

He leaned closer to me.

"Say, Y/n, what color are your orbs?"

My Sea Colored Orbs - Cliché Y/n StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin