Part Three - Still, Still the First Day

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After getting food from the lunch line, Blaze and I found a seat. Unfortunately, it was smack in the middle of the cafeteria. Now everyone could see me-- including  the popular girls!

"Y/n, what are you stammering about?" Blaze asked, leaning towards me.

I blushed stawberry-red. "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-othing, B-blaze! I guess I'm just a l-little nervous."

Blaze tilted his head. "Oh? And why is that, Y/n?"

"Well... the p-popular girls just f-freak me out." I replied, twiddling with my fingers.

"Is that how you got your black eye?" He asked flatly.

My eyebrows must have shot up to outer space. I scrambled through my backpack in complete panic until I found my phone. I held the camera to my face; which revealed a small black-eye. 

At least it doesn't look as bad as Zuko's face.

"It reminds me of Zuko," Blaze joked. "but it's not that bad."


"I--uh-- of course it is! I'm never gonna look the same again!"

"Won't it heal?" He queried, taking a sip of his soda.

"...N-no! It won't!" I spluttered.

A long pause.

"Oh. Okay then."

My sea-colored orbs began to fill to the brim with tears. Blaze noticed this immediately. He slid his chair so it was parallel to mine. We were so close!

"Hey," Blaze said, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "It'll be okay; especially if you get punched a second time. Then your new black-eye will match the one you have now! They'll look like killer shades if you draw a line connecting them. You know what I mean?"

"B-but Blaze," I started, tears streaming down my cheeks, "What if they look like cheap shades?"

Suddenly, his arms pulled me close to him. My head rested under his chin as he hugged me.

"You could never look like cheap shades, Y/n. You're too beautiful. I bet you look like the world's most expensive, shiny shades ever. Okay, sweetheart?"


My blush was at its peak. My cheeks felt tingly and like they were changing different colors. Like a disco ball.

"Thanks, Blaze. I needed that. But..."

"But?" He echoed, pulling away from the hug.

The tears were back; flowing down my face like a waterfall. Maybe I'd drown.

"D-does that mean I look like like a cheap pair of glasses?!"

He gasped.

"Y/n, I'm sorry! I didn't mean--"

"Goodbye!" I wailed; running out of the cafeteria and down the hallway just as the bell rang.

I ran again! I thought, Did I hurt poor Blaze's feelings? What was I going to tell him?

Yep, I'd drown.

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