Part Five - Still, Still, Still, Still The First Day

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"A-A-A-A-Ashton?" I stammered, hardly able to believe my eyes. "H-how did you get here?"

Ashton's bright-neon periwinkle lavender grape indigo orbs looked deeply into mine; holding a mysterious silence. His mouth opened to answer, and my heart raced in anticipation.

"The door."

Just as I was about to respond, my love triangle caught on fire. The three boys were staring each other down with glares of death.

"Come on Y/n," Ashton said, "These guys aren't worth your time."

"Oh really?" Blaze inquired. "And why do you say that? Because we're just too handsome for Y/n?"

"You know it isn't that," Ashton shot, stalking closer to the two boys. "You two don't deserve her. But I do!"

"Is that right? Last I recalled, Y/n was blushing at my golden lemon banana honey orbs just a few minutes ago." Ethan states; earning a gasp from Blaze.

Well... he did have intriguing orbs...

"Well my orbs are more attractive," Blaze said. "No one's orbs are as dark and ominous as mine are."

Blaze was right-- you'd never seen orbs so deep and shadowy.

"Well mine are purple!" Ashton goaded. "And let's be real-- who doesn't want to have eggplant colored orbs?"

He had a point there.

"Y/n, which orb colors do you like better?" Ashton quizzed with pleading eyes.

I fidgeted with my fingers.


"Y-y-y-y-y-y-you??" Ethan nagged. "Who's the winner?"

I paused, trying to think of an answer they would all take. And then, it came to me.

"... sea colored orbs. Y-you know, l-like m-my orbs are."

A few moments of silence passed, making me feel more anxious than ever.

"Of course, of course!" Blaze beamed; his orbs lighting up. "It's true that no orbs are as beautiful as yours, my dear."

"... For once, I agree with Blake," Ethan stated.

"It's Blaze," He corrected.

"Sure, Blake." Ethan jeered.

"Well then," Ashton declared, "If that's the color you desire--"

"What are y-y-you thinking?" I asked,  my eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion. Ashton shot me a friendly grin.

"Time to dye my eyes!"

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