saturday | HEERINA

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"Morning, Heeseung

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"Morning, Heeseung... time to wake up"

Heeseung responded Karina with a sleepy numble, covering his face back into the pillow, and she rubbed his back as she kept on wooing to get him to get off the bed.
"Come on Hee. You need to get up."

"Whyyy...?" He whined, turning his sleepy face to look at Karina. "It's Saturday, we're supposed to be sleeping"

"Yeah but we promised to hang out with our friends today" she said fixing her hairs behind her ear

"Who the hell would ever make such promises on a Saturday, when we finally have an off day of work??"

"You. You did," she answered him with a grin. "You said we'll hang out and have lunch at the park today".

Heeseung groaned while rubbing his sleepy face with his hands. He looked at Karina, his hooded eyes staring at her a few seconds, his lips pouting while he takes a long deep breath.

"What's wrong?" She asked him, tilting her head to the side with her eyebrow raised.

He turned to her side, gripping her wrists and pulling her closer to him until she fell on his chest with an oof. Before she could even try to struggle to get herself off the bed, he pulled her on her waist, attaching their bodies, while lifting the blankets off of him before pulling it back up to make sure her body layded underneath the blanket togheter with him.

"What are you doing?" Karina asked confused

"Changing plans," he replied with a deeper voice. His hands were wrapped around her waist and his forehead leaning on hers.

"We are not leaving this bed today."

Karina giggled, letting him wrap both them bodies underneath the fluffy blankets before hugging her tightly. "Okay then, what's the plan for today?" She asked

"We stay in and cuddle all day. That's all" he grinned at her

"Our friends must be waiting for us..."

"Nah" he answered quickly before biting his lip, keeping his eyes on hers with a hopeful stare. She could pratically read his mind through the light emitting from them. Karina grinned back at him mimicking his bright expression.

"I guess they won't..."

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