Sleep | WINTKE

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"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

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"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

A voice that is smoother than silk, warmer than her fuzzy blanket, distracts Winter from whatever is currently stealing her attention

"Jake? Why are you here?" She ask him, propping her body on her elbows

"I don't know, I think that I just wanted to see you" he said with pouty lips and an evident frown.
"Yah- I tried so hard to not disturb you why are you still wide awake. Something wrong?"

Winter shakes her head and whine, "No, I fell asleep earlier and I can't get back to sleep now"

"Alright then," he sighed before getting on the bed and crawls to the spot right next to her. Jake cathes Winter's hands and takes the phone away while saying, "Now this must go," before tossing it to the opposite side of the bed, where it's unreachable to her hands.

Jake pulls her closer, tucking Winter under the blanket and hugs her tight. "And you must sleep."


"No but's," he said cutting her off with a chaste kiss


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