cute | WINTKE

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Winter was so cute, that's it

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Winter was so cute, that's it. She was cute when she walked, she was cute when she talked, she was especially cute when she laughed. It made Jake want to pinch her cute cheeks.

"Jake stop! I'm not cute!" Winter protested, trying to wriggle away from him. He was cornering her to give her a bear hug.

"You're even cuter when you're mad" he cooed, and her bitter face turned even more sour as if that was possible. She gave up resisting, and he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly. Winter smelled like somewhat like apples, a sweet apple-y scent.

"You smell nice" he told her, his jead nested into her neck. Winter wrapped her arms around Jake, and he felt her grin.

"And cute."

"Okay that's enough." She pushed him away and stomped over the couch. Jake was in a sort of lovey-dovey mood that day, and she would have to be subjected to it.

He waddled his way over to her and plopped down beside her. Winter was resting her head back on the top of the couch, slumped over lazily.
"What's wrong with being cute? I'm cute but you don't see me complaining about it" he pointed out.

Winter sighed and sat up. "Yes, Jake you are cute... but I want you to think of me as your attractive, hunky girlfriend, not your cute girlfriend" she ran her hand through her hair

Jake rolled his eyes pulling her over to sit on his lap "Yeah, yeah... to me you're both cute and hunky or whatever." He said kissing her nose.
She laughed and Jake felt it reverberate through her chest as he snuggled in closer and closed his eyes. He felt a warm kiss on his cheek and blushed

"I guess for you, I could be both."

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