Chapter 68

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Marshall POV
We were all shock and surprise by Morris, he was faking it. Now he has Skye what can we do if we do something he might kill Skye easily.

Chase: "Let her go Morris"

Morris: "Ho ho no way pup if I'm going to die I might as well take someone with me someone you value more"

Skye struggles to break free Morris grip but Morris was to strong for her. Everyone even the wolves didn't move from their stop. I try take a step forward but Morris look at me quickly.

Morris: "Ah ah Ah nope don't move dalmatian or she gets it"

Marshall: "Damn It"

I stay where I was on look at the others they all didn't dare to moved. Then I look back at Morris.

Morris: "Here's what we are going to do now you let me go I'll let her go how about that?"

Jane: "Grrr like we'll ever let you lived"

Morris: "Then would you like your friend to lived?"

Skye: "Gahh"

Jane: "Grrrrr"

Ryder: "Pups we going to have to accept this deal if we want Skye to lived"

Zuma: "Ahh seriously dude after everything we been through"

Rocky: "We have no choice Zuma we have to let him go"

Everest: "You better not do something stupid Morris"

Morris: "Oh ho snow but you should watch your mouth there because right now I have the upper paw"

Rubble: "Grrrrrr"

Chase: "Grrrrrr fine we'll let you go just release Skye"

Morris: "Oh ho no I'm no fool all of you get back away from us I mean everyone"

Everyone even the wolves step back away from him except for Chase. He stood right where he was, haven't moved an inch. Soon everyone was far enough from them but still in sight and hearing of them.

Chase: "There everyone is far away Morris now let her go"

Morris: "Your still here though"

Chase: "I'm not leaving Skye with you"

Morris: "Grrrr fine I'll start backing up and when I reach the trees I'll let her go"

Chase: "Fine but it's going to be a long walk"

I still wish we could have done more to help but this is all we can do for now. The pups and Ryder all got nervous and worried for Skye.

Zuma: "This is torture dudes"

Everest: "Grrrr why didn't we check to see if he's really dead"

Ryder: "Guys calm down and watch its all we can do"

Morris: "You bastards ruined everything, not only did you stop my invasion but also made my pack turn on me"

Chase: "It's your own fault for not being a good leader"

Morris: "Grrrrrr"

Morris then hold Skye neck nearly chocking her.

Chase: "Hey!"

Morris then stop.

Morris: "You made me so mad pup So So SO Mad"

Chase: "I'm sorry"

We were all shock of what Chase said he apologized to Morris. What the hell did he get brain damage or something.

Morris: "What are you sorry for you brat?"

Chase: "I'm sorry you were treated differently and because of that it lead you down the wrong path"

Morris: "Rrrrr"

Chase: "But I'm being honest when I said this Aaron is truly sorry Morris, he wish he could take those time back, he loves you, you were brothers after all"

Morris then stop and just froze he didn't move just stop and think. He didn't even reply back to Chase then he look down to the ground.

Morris: "We were brothers alright"

Morris sounded more positive which made us think he changed. We were relief to think that.

Morris: "But I was the strongest"

He then hold Skye up in the air with his paw and choke her. We all got scared and even more worried this has gotten worst.

Morris: "I still showed them wrong and killed them, and now I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Skye: "GAH"

Everyone: "NO!!!"

We all was about to run but then a quick blue blur came through Morris. It happened so fast even I couldn't see it. Then a second later we all saw Morris head chop off. Then it fell to the ground and his body drop to even drop Skye. We all then run to Skye and see she alright. We all then look up to see Chase with his paw bloody. He chop off Morris head and killed him. But Chase seems different he turned around and his eyes was blue. His fur was blue to and looks more calm. He was blue like the ocean and he was glowing. He then started walking to Skye then in seconds Chase lost his balance and fell to the floor. His fur and eyes change back to normal and he transform but to his puppy self. Skye catch him before his head could touch the floor. She hugged him and started to tear up. Chase hugged her back even though he seems so tired. They stop hugging and face us while Skye was supporting Chase.

Zuma: "Woah dude what was that?"

Chase: "I-I don't know really"

Rocky: " You were glowing and your eyes were blue, you really look like a legend wolf"

Rubble: "Their right I never seen anything like it"

Everest: "Guess there are more things about the legend wolf"

Jane: "Skye are you ok?"

Skye: "I'm fine Jane really thanks to Chase"

Chase: "No problem I couldn't just stand there and watch him hurt you, no one hurts my Skye"

Skye: "Oh Chase"

Zuma: (fake wolf voice) "Now kiss each other" (normal voice) " That is a great idea wolf you guys should total kiss each other"

Chase: "Serious Zuma now it's not the time to-"

Before Chase could finish he was grab by Skye and she kiss him on the lips. Chase was surprised by this then close his eyes and enjoyed it. Skye then close her eyes and enjoyed it too.

Everyone: "Awwwwww"

Rocky: (whispers) "Psst Ryder picture, take a picture now"

Ryder: (whisper) "Oh right"

Ryder then quickly pulls out his pup pad and take a nice good picture of Skye and Chase kissing. But Chase and Skye didn't pay any attention to it. They just enjoyed the kiss.

Everest: "I'm picking out the picture frame"

Chase and Skye then slowly stop kissing and look at each other. Then they smiled and put their heads against each other. We found it even more adorable and Ryder took another picture of course. After the second picture that's when Chase and Skye snap back to us.

Chase: "Don't tell me you took a picture?"

Rocky: "Nope he took two pictures"

Everest: "And I'm picking out the frame definitely blue and pink"

Wolf: "Is Morris really dead this time?"

Rubble: "Yeah he is we won, we really won"

Chase: "Yeah it's all over"

?????: "Not Yet"

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