Chapter 20

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Chase POV
We ate our lunch everyone enjoying it and so far none of the pups see any suspicious of us. But I know this won't last forever we have to run away eventually. I just hope I can have then strength the leave. I couldn't imagine a world without the paw patrol. I couldn't imagine a world without Skye. But I have to leave for their safety for Skye safety.

Later on we all finish our lunch then Ryder grab his ATV. We all wave Everest goodbye then Ryder took Everest back to Jake. The pups went to do their things while me and Marshall took Rubble food to his pup house. It was a good thing it's on the other side of the lookout no one could see us. I place the bowl down in front of Rubble. I don't know why but I thought Rubble will open the door.

I know how much he loves food. I started to tear up a bit but wipe my eyes. I could see Mashall feel the same we look at Rubble food then each other and nodded. We both started eaten his food to make it look like Rubble finish his lunch. We didn't enjoy it not because we were full but because we miss Rubble so very much. Then soon we finish the food in Rubble bowl. We wipe our lip and place the bowl aside. We then walk to a tree and lay under it. We had nothing to think about except Rubble he in our minds right now.

Marshall: "Do we have to leave?"

Chase: "Yes Marshall we don't know how to control this thing of ours yet and we could hurt the pups"

Marshall: "When do we leave exactly?"

Chase: "I don't know tonight maybe"

Marshall: "Aren't we supposed to go on patrol for that creature tomorrow"

Chase: "Dame it I forgot about that mhmm how about we stayed a few more days until the creature is either captured or not seen. If the creature don't show then that means it's gone back to the wild"

Marshall: "You think we can keep this a secret for a few days especially hiding Rubble's death"

Chase: "Can you not bring him up please I don't want to think about that"

Marshall: "I'm just worried OK what if something bad happened huh I don't want to see anyone hurt"

Chase: "Marshall calm down you need to breath"

I never seen Marshall so worried he's always a calm pup. Maybe all this is stressing him out I'm stress out myself.

Chase: "Fine how about this we'll leave tonight but stay close to town in case the creature comes back then if we can have some control we might be able to stop it"

Marshall: "So we are leaving tonight but you know once we do leave they'll know Rubble's gone and we try to find us and ask questions"

Chase: "They won't I promise you just have to trust me on this"

Marshall: "Mmm ok I trust you I just hope nothing goes wrong"

I hope too we just need luck right now especially after everything we really need it. Couple hours past and it was getting dark me and Marshall got up and went to our pup houses. But before we split up Skye came walking in.

Skye: "Hey guys what you doing?"

Marshall: (Lied) Oh just going to sleep been doing nothing so might as well sleep"

Skye: "Well Ryder said we can stay up late tonight and watch a movie you guys want to watch"

Chase: "WHat a movie tonight and we can stay up late tonight ha uh s-sure right Marshall"

Marshall: "Yeah yeah sure"

Skye: "Great I'll tell the others and you guys can let Rubble know then we'll decide a movie"

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