Chapter 13

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No Ones POV
The pups were shock of Ryder decision he act like nothing happened. They look at each other very surprised and wondering why.

Chase: "But sir what about our punishment"

Zuma: "Yeah didn't we do a bad thing?"

Ryder: "You don't deserve a punishment since you guys learn a lesson"

Marshall: "But we hurt the girls"

Ryder: "Will you do that again?"

Marshall: "No of course not"

Ryder: "Then that's all I need to hear if you guys learn what you did is wrong then there no need for a punishment"

Chase: "Are you sure sir"

Ryder: "Look I could tell each of you were very sorry you told the truth and that's what counts"

Rubble: "Phew got me scared I thought I'll see some violence"

Rocky: "Yup I was worried too thought there going to be lots of yelling"

Rubble: "I was thinking they will cry"

Chase: "I wouldn't cry"

Ryder: "I'm gonna get you pups dinner then the girls"

Chase: "Um Ryder Sir can I give Skye her dinner I want to apologize to her and Everest too"

Marshall: "Can I do the same for Everest dinner too?"

Ryder: "Sure let me make them first then you guys go give it to them"

Ryder then left to make the pups dinner leaving the boys at the fire. Marshall and Chase then notice everyone else is looking at them grinning.

Rocky: "So your planning to give the girls their dinner huh"

Chase: "Yeah what's wrong with that"

Zuma: "Oh nothing just curious about something"

Marshall: "Curious about what?"

Rubble: "It's nothing really good luck talking to them"

Ryder then bring the pups bowls filled with dog food. Then he place Zuma, Rubble and Rocky bowls down in front of them. Then those three started eating Ryder give Skye bowl to Chase and Everest bowl to Marshall. They carry it with their mouth then Ryder place their bowls on their backs. Next Chase and Marshall went to the girls tent.

Skye POV
I was having some small talk with Everest since  we can't move much. Then I heard footsteps coming to us. I turn to see Chase and Marshall carrying bowls of food. Guessing they are bringing our dinner. Next they place our bowls next us then place their bowls outside the tent.

Chase: "Um hey I-We came here to say we are sorry for hurting you two"

Marshall: "We didn't mean to hurt you guys we were just being dumb idiots boys"

Chase: "We brought you your dinner hope you enjoy and feel better"

Everest: "Thanks"

Skye: "Yeah thank you"

Marshall: "Hope tonight will be a good night for you girls"

Everest: "I think it will Marshall"

Chase: "We're gonna leave you guys to enjoy your dinner and not disturb you"

Marshall: "Hope you guy get well soon"

Skye: "Wait do you want to join us?"

Chase: "What you sure even after we hurt you guys"

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