Chaper 25

940 27 3

Ryder POV
For weeks Skye and Everest has been helping me out with Chase and Marshall. It's been a big help because Chase and Marshall haven't felt hungry or gone crazy so far. But there was sometimes when I have to send the girls on patrol the creature hasn't been spotted yet. Then I heard a knock at the door and I open to see Rocky and Zuma. Zuma look fine and normal but Rocky has a disturb face looks like he still upset, I let them in.

Zuma: "Hey dudes"

Skye: "Hey guys what bring you two here?"

Zuma: "Well it was getting boring out there just the two of us"

Everest: "So why you guys came down here, Rocky aren't you still upset"

Rocky: "Yeah I am but Zuma told me to at least see you guys again and see how I feel"

Chase: "So um how are you feeling?"

Rocky: "Upset still but not pure mad"

Marshall: "Look Rocky we understand what is so so wrong you should know that"

Chase: "We didn't even have a choice Rocky"

Rocky: "Ffrf I know it's just I miss him"

Skye: "We miss him too Rocky we all do but we can't do anything about it now but move on no matter how hurtful it can be"

Rocky: "I guess so it's gonna take me time"

Skye: "Take all the time you need Rocky"

Then Rocky put on a nice smile which felt like it brighten up the room. Then Rocky and Zuma both went closer and sat next to Skye and Everest.

Zuma: "So any progress yet?"

Everest: "Yup they learn to control their hunger which is good"

Ryder: "But now here comes the tricky part letting them out of their cages"

Chase: "What Ryder isn't that to soon I'm not sure about that yet"

Ryder: "You guys show good progress I need to know for sure plus besides I will be in a protective suit I built myself, ok pups I think it's best if you leave"

Skye: "What but what something goes wrong I want to be here for help"

Everest: "Me too"

Zuma: "You can count me in"

Rocky: "And me I don't want to lose anyone else"

Ryder: "Fine but you all need to put on protective suits"

Pups: "Ok"

Marshall: "I still got a bad feeling about this guys"

Everest: "Hey we're not stopping until your back to yourself again"

Marshall: "Thanks Everest"

We all then got into our black protective gear with protective helmets then I shut the door and lock it with a steel door. Then I unlock their cages doors with my pup pad. They both slowly walk out looking nervous. Once they fully out they both started shaking and suddenly they started running fast towards us. Chase pounce onto me and I fell to the ground I could see his claws sticking out and look to my sides yo see Marshall on top of Everest with his claws out.

Rocky: "Uh uh what do we do?"

Skye: "Don't do anything yet it has to be Chase and Marshall to do it"

Zuma: "But what if something bad happens"

Skye: "Trust these suits and Ryder's plan"

I look back at Chase to his eyes red and his fur getting furious. He was about to scratch me but I grab his paw and held him on the ground.

Ryder: "Chase you need to control it otherwise your putting your friends in danger"

Chase: "I'M T-TRying"

Everest: "Marshall please control this wolf in you I know you can do it"

Marshall: "I W-Will EVerest"

Ryder: "Chase remember who your doing this for who you want to protect"

Chase: "Grrrrr"

Chase started to flicker red to normal back and forth then I decide to let go. I got off of him and see him shaking his head slamming his paw on the ground. I turn to Marshall to see him doing the same. Next to both slowly walk to their cages still shaking their heads. Once they got in fully I pull out my pup pad and close the cages door, they were back lock in their cages. Then they both fell the ground, their claws retract their fur back to normal and their eyes too. They were breathing in hard and deep and so was I.

Ryder: "Wasn't pretty but it's going somewhere"

Skye: "Yay you guys control yourselves"

Chase: "Not really hoo we were still not full control yet"

Marshall: "Yeah sorry Everest for pouncing on you"

Everest: "It's ok Marshall you did great just need more practice"

Zuma: "Oh man I don't know if my heawt can take this much excitement anymore"

Rocky: "Same I nearly faint"

Ryder: "I think that's enough for today we should take a break and have lunch"

We took off our suit and I went up and get the pups food bowls and pup food. I pour food in Marshall and Chase bowl then I set up the pups bowl. I then filled them up normally and soon they all started eating. But then I was stop by Skye pull my jeans.

Skye: "Ryder you did it again"

Skye point to the line of bowls and I saw it, I saw Rubble bowl. I filled it up again I didn't notice because I have gotten use to having so much pups. I sigh of sadness and went to the bowl and put the food back into the bag. I then pick up the bowl and sat and lean at Chase cage. I took a long look at it thinking about Rubble. The one pup I lost for weeks I try not think about it but couldn't I could only imagine his death, I miss him. Then suddenly I felt something on my right shoulder I take a look to see Chase head resting on it. He starred at the bowl for a few seconds with a sad expression.

Chase: "I still think about him too"

Marshall: "We all do some are bloody but most is memories of him"

Ryder: "Aha you guys remember when Rubble eating so much food he got sick"

Skye: "And we have to take care of him for nearly a week"

Zuma: "You guys got the easy job I had to replace Rubble's vomit bucket once a while and it smells nasty what did he even eat"

Rocky: "At least you didn't have to wash him with a towel most times he smelled like a wet dog"

Marshall: "PLLeas you guys have no idea how hard it is making Rubble take his medicine, that pup wouldn't open his mouth unless I gave him a pup treats"

Chase: "Really try watch him all night making sure he doesn't roll away plus his snores for a young pup he's snore loud"

Everest: "Oh yeah you guys were tired after taking care of him"


We all shared a nice laugh together thinking about Rubble. He will never be forgotten ever in our lives. He may be gone but we will remember every moments with him. Sometimes I do wish he was still here but I can't control death.

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