Chapter 31

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The window rattles as the wind passes and there's a tapping on the glass now. Beads of water form on the transparent material and the dark clouds continue to gather in the sky above the Fushiguro's home. Then the pitter-patter of the rain could be heard.

There's some voices conversing in the house but Megumi pays them no mind. He sits on the window nook and his unwavering eyes continue to stare out into the street.

"Alright, I'm heading out." The voice of a woman could be heard in a room nearby.

Megumi doesn't budge and he also doesn't acknowledge her. He hears his father bidding a farewell to this person as the front door opens and then the sound of it closing could be heard as this woman leaves. She sprints out into the rain and disappears through the thick mist.

"Ever heard of manners?" Toji's voice appears next to his son. He's not fond of the boys attitude lately—or ever.

"What's the point?" Megumi asks and he's still staring out of the window like he was stuck in some kind of a trance.

Toji clicks his tongue.

"I'm not going to waste my time with names I'll only forget in the next coming weeks." Megumi continues to talk to the glass, "But I guess she's lasted longer than the rest so far."

As said before, the boy was never interested in getting to know any of the woman who came and went previously, other than you (but even then it took him awhile to warm up to you). He felt it was pointless to invest his time in people who he would meet one day and then be gone the next.

This past year, Toji's had at least a dozen flings and none lasting longer than a week. But this most recent one? Surprisingly, a month so far.

"What is she to you?" Megumi asks.

"Why does it matter?" The man looks away and his hands go to his hips. His jaw shifts from him grinding his teeth lightly. He appears uncomfortable.

"Do you enjoy sacrificing quality for the experience of novelty?" The boy asks and he turns around to look at his father.

The raven-haired kid, he believes in quality over quantity and he didn't think he'd ever meet someone like you ever again. To him, it isn't the idea that he couldn't, it's the fact that he doesn't want to.

"I don't need your fucking two cents." Toji's voice is thick with irritation. He returns his eyes to the teen.

"I wasn't giving you two." Megumi wears his signature blank expression and his voice is as bland as ever, "I was giving you three."

"Fucking smart ass." Toji rolls up his sleeves, "Come here so I can slap the shit out of you."

The boy's attention goes back to the window. He watches the rain, "Why do you busy your mind with other people?"

"Shut up." The man doesn't want to hear it.

"I know you still think about her." The boy continues to voice his thoughts and he doesn't care if its provoking either.

"I said—" Toji, he really doesn't want to hear it anymore, "—shut the hell up!"

"Keep convincing your mind all you want. Your heart knows it's a lie. And you can keep lying to me all you want. I don't care. But you can't lie to yourself. I know they're all just a distraction."

Toji's had enough. He goes and grabs the boy by his shirt at the chest and then he lifts him up slightly, "I told you to, shut—the—fuck—up!"

They stare at each other briefly. Toji holds a scowl and Megumi is void of emotion.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro TojiWhere stories live. Discover now